15- "She cried when we asked her!"

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Liam's POV

About 2 months later Evangeline was finally off the venalator. I was going to tell the boys and E my secret. Not much had happened in the 2 months: Ava wasn't in school and Hudson only visited about 6 or 7 times. We were there every day to see her!

We got to the hospital and ran to Evangeline's room, it was the first time in months we would actually get to talk to her!

When we got in Ava was smiling and really happy.

"Hey baby!" I said coming over to her and gave her a big hug. So did the rest of the boys.

"Hi guys." She mumbled quietly. She had her casts off now and could move quite well.

Evangeline's POV

"Um guys." Liam started "I have a surprise!"

"What?!" All of us said in unison.

"Well, I've been thinking lately and... I think I'm going to propose to Sophia." Liam quickly got out.

I was so excited! I was going to have a mom, a mother, a real mom that would love me and my father. I stood there with a blank face and I was speechless.

"Are you happy, Evangeline?" Liam asked concerned.

"Uh." I started, then I just got up and gave Liam the biggest hug imaginable. "Yes!"

"Good, good, but first..." He started.

"We are going on tour." Niall finished.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"And you're coming with us!" Louis said happily.

"Yay! Omg today can't get any better!" I said.

"Ava your going to meet some other famous people." Harry said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well we will be traveling and sometimes they buy backstage passes." Liam told me.

"Cool!" I was so excited I couldn't wait! "So when are you going to propose?"

"After the tour." Liam told me.

We continued talking and being happy and then... Reality struck! No Veve and no Hudson for like 4 months! This is horrible, how am I going to survive? I won't have any friends with me!

"When do we leave for the tour?" I asked .

"The day after school gets out." Louis smiled.

"Its a summer tour." Niall told me.

"So I'll have to spend all summer without my friends?"

"Well," Liam started, "We were going to surprise you later but. We talked to Mark and Paul and Veve's parents and they all said that Veve could come with us if she wanted!"

"Really? Well does she want to come!" I asked excitedly.

"Are you kidding me?" Harry said.

"She cried when we asked her!" Niall said.

"She is a total fangirl!" Louis laughed.

I giggled and was really excited.

"Oh and the puppy can come too!" Liam said. That's what he was really excited about, he loves my dog more than I do.

"Yay, we are going to have so much fun!" I said. "Can I have my phone?"

Liam handed me my phone and I immediately went to Wattpad and wrote this down in the book I was creating about my life that people thought was fake!

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