24- "Well..."

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Evangeline's POV

We pulled up to Studio 9 it had a huge sign on it that said Girl Meets World. It was a very large building and I saw some people walk into it, but I particularly noticed Corey standing outside probably waiting for me.
Liam and Sophia wanted to come and watch so they were all waiting in the limo with me. The door opened and I climbed out.

"Hey Evangeline." Corey yelled walking toward us.
"Hey." I said.
"Follow me and the director will explain every thing." He told me as I followed.

Earlier in the week I had gotten a script and I had been rehearsing, I wanted to mess up as little as possible if I wanted a career in this. I was playing Zay's crazy girlfriend. I would love to be someone's real girlfriend!

The director started telling me everything that was going to happen and what everything meant and I got it all pretty easily.

"Hey Zay." I said walking over to Amir.

"Oh, Hey Marybeth." He said.

My script called for me to kiss him on the cheek after he said that and that's what I did. Wow it was great. I just happened to glance over at Liam and see his Jaw and fists clenched tightly.

"Guys this is my girlfriend, Marybeth." Amir said.
"Awe, you have a girlfriend, Zay! Hi Marybeth, I'm Riley." Rowan said.
I plastered a fake smile and I had to smile almost all the time in this episode.
"Well I got to go to class but I'll see you guys later." Amir said walking away.
"Bye Zay, see you later." I waved after him.
I turned to face Rowan, Corey, Peyton, and Sabrina as my smile faded. "Okay, listen, dirtbags." I said.
"Well that wasn't nice!" Rowan frowned.
"Shut up!" I spit "You better stay away from Zay, he's mine... Got it!" I yelled the last part.
They just stared at me in disgust.
"Okay thanks, love you." I fake smiled again and skipped down the hall.

We were now done with filming for the day and I was getting ready to leave.

"Hey Evangeline." Sabrina said standing behind me. I turned around and smiled.
"Yeah." I said.
"Rowan, Corey, Peyton and I are going out for frozen yogurt, want to come?" She smiled.
"Um, I have to ask Liam and Sophia. But I'm sure they won't mind as long as Paul comes with." I said.
"Ooo, can I come with you to ask? I am such a huge fan of One Direction." She said practically fan-girling..
"Yes, you can come." I laughed.
We walked over to Liam and I swear her eyes were bigger than Liam's biceps.
"Hey dad, can I go out to froyo with Sabrina."
"Only if-" he started.
"Paul goes with me. I know, I know." I finished his sentence.
He laughed "Paul! I need you to go to froyo with Evangeline."
Paul nodded.
Then he followed Sabrina and I to Rowan, Corey, and Peyton.

We got out of the limo in front of the froyo place and people started crowding. We ran inside hoping no one was there. Paul had them close the store while we were there just so that it would be safer. Liam is obviously over protective!
We got our yogurt and sat down on a couch.

"So Evangeline, do you have a boyfriend... Or someone you like?" Sabrina asked me cautiously.
"Well..." I started thinking about Hudson and how his hair was always so perfect and how his blue eyes were gentle when they looked at me. "I don't know." I shrugged.

Corey sighed and Peyton just grinned at him. They are going to take some time to get used to.

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