30- "And, I want to be your first kiss."

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Evangeline's POV

Corey invited me to go to Starbucks with Sabrina, Rowan, Peyton and him. I got ready to go and went downstairs where Paul was waiting for me.

"Hey Paul!" I said happily and walked out the door.

When I walked out I saw Hudson sitting on the grass under a tree outside his house, right in front of where the limo was... Just Great!

"Hi Hudson." I said as I walked by him.
"Can we talk." He asked. It definitely surprised me!
"Um, Yeah, sure. Paul, You can wait for me in the Limo."
"Why?" Hudson asked.
"Why did you kiss him?"
"I didn't... It was taken out of context! The angle just made it look like that."
"Ugh! I feel like a total jerk now!"
"Because, because it hurt, to see you kiss someone."
"And then I said all that stuff to you and, I'm sorry!"
"It's ok! We all make mistakes!"
"Thanks, Where are you going?"
"Um. Starbucks, with Corey, Rowan, Sabrina, and Peyton."
"Oh." He sighed.
"Do you want to come?"
"Uh, If it's alright with you."
"Cool let me tell my mom."

He walked into his house and then came right back out with sunglasses and money.
We got in the limo and it was mostly silent until I had a question pop in my head.

Why did it hurt when he thought I kissed someone?

"Hey, Hudson?"
"Why did you say it hurt when you thought I kissed someone?"
"Um, Well. You know."
"And, I want to be your first kiss."

I literally fangirled inside! But then I felt awful when I realized if Liam found out... He would KILL Hudson!
Ugh why is my life so complicated?

"Do you want me to be your first kiss?" Hudson asked.
I just looked over at him, I stared into his bright blue eyes and slowly leaned in and we... Were interrupted by Paul opening the door.
I just looked at Hudson. "We'll be right in." I told Paul.
"I'm not supposed to leave your side." Paul reminded me.
"Right." I sighed and walked out.

Paul had a section of the shop closed off for us and we got our drinks and signed some autographs then sat back down.

"Did you see that picture of us at the froyo place?" Corey asked me.
I looked at Hudson and laughed "Yeah I did!"
"I hate how people just believe anything they see." He said again.

We continued to talk and have our drinks then we decided to go over my house and hangout for a bit.
When we got there it was just Liam and Sophia sitting on the couch watching television. The rest of the guys were off doing something else.

"Hey Liam, can we go hangout in the studio lounge?" I asked.
"Yeah." He sighed sadly.
"Are you okay?" I asked again.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He sighed... Again.

I shrugged and lead the way to the studio.

"This is where they record when they aren't on tour or at another studio... I guess they create songs here." I said to everyone.
"Cool... Hey let's play truth or dare!" Rowan said.

We all sat and it basically lead into a huge conversation about Taylor Swift. I have no clue how it happened we did one truth and stopped playing to talk about Taylor Swift.

"Didn't Harry and Taylor date once?" Sabrina asked.
"I'm not su-" I was cut off by Harry yelling up the stairs.
"Veve is here to see you Evangeline!" Harry yelled.
"Be right back!" I said and ran down stairs.
"Hey Veve." I said as I got to the living room.
"Hi." She said "I was wondering if you wanted to go to my house and hangout."
"Um, well I actually have company but you can hangout with us if you'd like." I told her.
"Oh ok!" She smiled then I lead her upstairs to the studio
"Guys this is Veve!" I said as I entered the room.
"Woah aren't you guys on like TV?" Veve said.

They all laughed and nodded and we continued our conversation about Harry and Taylor.

"Harry!" I yelled down stairs.
He came in the room not too long after. "Yes?" He asked.
"Have you ever dated Taylor Swift?" I asked.
"Oh God please don't bring her up." He said as he rolled his eyes.
"Ok, thats all I needed to know." I said.
"Why did you want to know?"

I got this brilliant idea that I was going to mess around with him.

"Because Rowan has her number and we were going to invite her over to hangout with you guys." I said.
"Yeah! We were going to hangout with you guys and try to get Louis and her together." Rowan played along.
"Oh God! If you've forgotten, Louis is going to be a father... I'm sure he doesn't want that relationship. And also... I hate Taylor! Please do not call her!" Harry begged.
"Too late!" Rowan laughed.
"I'm moving!" Harry said.

We all broke out in laughter, and Harry looked at us like we were crazy.
"We would never hangout with someone ten years older than us... Duh!" I said.
Harry rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Did you see that? He hates her!" Corey laughed.
"Well I've got to go." Peyton said.
"Yeah me too." Corey stood up.
"Same. Bye Ava, thanks for inviting us!" Sabrina said and they all waved and left.
Now it was just Hudson and Veve.
"I have to go too. My mom made dinner." Hudson said.
"Ok, Bye." I said and he left.
"Hey Veve, want to spend the night?" I asked.
"Sure can I use your phone to call my mom?"
"Mine broke... I'll get Sophia's."

I walked down stairs and asked Sophia to use her phone and gave it to Veve.

"My mom said yeah, she can bring by some clothes."
"Ok!" I said handing Veve her phone back.
"Liam, Veve is spending the night." I told him.
"Ok." He said.

I knew that he would be ok with it because I would have been all alone tomorrow while they were at a photo shoot.
We raced to my room and hungout.
"So why haven't you been at school?" She asked.

I completely forgot that I hadn't talked to her in a while.

"I um, I've been shooting. I'm going to be on Girl Meets World." I told her.

We talked about that a little longer and then we ate and pretty much did nothing else the rest of the night... Except for when we decided to blast Taylor Swift into Harry's bedroom, he should just be happy he didn't wake up to that!

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