55- "Uh, Evangeline, duh! We have Calculus together."

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"Sorry about Liam. He's really over protective of me from my last relationship." I explain to Ash as he begins to pull out of the driveway.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"
"Well, he was abusive. Physically. It wasn't on purpose though, he was raised seeing that and didn't know any different. It just got to be a little too much for me."
"If I ever see this kid I'm going to knock the-"
"Ash, that's sweet and all. But trust me, I know how to fight my own battles."
He nods and continues to drive down the somewhat empty road. I reach to the volume button on the radio and turn it up to hear an old Max Schneider song.
"You listen to Max Schneider?" I ask Ashton after looking to see his phone plugged into the AUX.
"Yeah, you do too?"
"I love his music!" I say and start humming the tune of Wrong. It's a fantastic song, really, he's great.
Just as Gibberish is coming on we pull up to a very large house in a large complex.

"Okay, I might need to deal with Dustin, Abigail's boyfriend. But after that I'm all yours. And maybe Aaron." He says as he pulls his keys out and opens the door.
I get out of the car and begin the walk to his front door. He struggles to put one of the keys in, but once it does he easily opens the door to see a young girl with an even younger little boy sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Ash!" The girl squeals with excitement.
"Amanda! He mocks and runs over to her to throw her over his shoulder and plop her down on the chair as she giggles.
"Andrew is out, Alex and Ashley are playing in the playroom and Abigail is with you know who." Amanda rolls her eyes then turns to me. "Who's this?"
"This is Evangeline. She's going to hangout with me for a while." Ashton replies picking up the little boy who I assume is Aaron.
Amanda then leaves the room and Ash turns to me.
"I have to put the three little ones to bed, do you want to help? They love visitors."
"Absolutely." I smiled brightly.

After they're all tucked away and the last little ones door is closed Ashton sighs and closes his eyes. "Okay, I have one more child to take care of."
"And who is that?" I ask.
He motions to another door with his eyes. The door has a large sticker on it with the name Abigail in big black sparky letters and voices coming from behind it.
Ashton begins to walk toward the door but I stop him. "Let me." I grin.
I knock on the door and voices go quiet but only for a second. I knock on the door again and this time I hear shuffling then the doorknob jiggle.
The door swings open to reveal a girl my age in short shorts and a revealing tank top.
"Who are you?" She spits.
"Uh, Evangeline, duh! We have Calculus together."
"I don't even take Calculus." She spits.
"I can see that," I smirk. "So, he needs to go now." I say and look back at her boyfriend with a wave.
"Ashton, who is this girl?!" She asks pushing me aside.
"Evangeline, we're trying to have a date here and we can't until he leaves."
I hear a groan and more shuffling from her room and out walks Dustin. He looks me up and down, winks, then leaves. I turn back to a door slamming in my face.
"Okay, let's go." Ashton smiles.
"What about Amanda?"
"She knows how to get to bed."

Heya! So I was thinking: I really want ship names for Evangeline and Hudson and Evangeline and Ashton. Any ideas? Also, tell me which you ship I really want to know! (If you comment for either one of these... Or both... I'll give you a dedication to the chapter of your choice and a follow if I'm not already!)

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