52- "Wow, your siblings must look like baboons."

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"You ready?" Ashton asks as I walk back into the room. "Yep!" I smile brightly at him. He's now met Karen, Geoff, Liam, Lizzie, Aunt Ruth and Aunt Nicola.

I was surprised to see him when I opened the door, he has tattoos trailing all up his arms and a lip ring that suits him perfectly. In all honestly I like him even more now. He looks like he's supposed to. I've found out that he has an extremely hard exterior. He doesn't like all the gushy lovey dovey stuff like Hudson does. But I know that on the inside it's there, he showed me on the plane.

He follows me out the door after I say goodbye to everyone and we go to his amazing car. It's black, it's expensive and it's convertible. I reach out to grab the handle but Ashton beats me to it. Pulling on the handle and waiting for me to get in and settled before he closed it. He's surprisingly a gentle man.

I smile at him as he gets in and puts the key in. It is so strange, at first I was completely confused, but I remember that I'm in the UK. Opposite side. We drive in a comfortable silence until we reach what looks to be the downtown area.

"Where are we?" I ask sitting up in the seat.
"Downtown, it's always a lot of fun to walk around down here." Ashton says and he parks on the side of the road and unbuckles.
I do the same, unbuckle and open the car door. I grab my bag and step out onto the sidewalk. As I do I already feel eyes on me, tonight won't be like I hoped.

As we start our walk down the street and attempt to create small talk I over hear some conversations.
"Is that Evangeline Payne?"
"Isn't that Liam's daughter?"
"Is that the girl from the American tv show?"
Well, yes, yes it is. And she's trying to have a nice first date so please, please, please don't ask anymore questions.

"So, do you have any siblings?" Ashton asks as we continue to walk by people that continue to whisper and look at me.
"Well, I used to. Liam adopted me when I was just about sixteen. He doesn't have any other kids, although I know he really wants more."
"What do you mean used to? You have siblings for life."
"Not when their in the ground." I sighed.
"Oh s***, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, people ask me about it all the time. What about you? Do you have any siblings?"
"Yes, six actually."
"Wow, please do tell me all about them." I giggle.
"Well, I'm the oldest at twenty-one. Abigail is seventeen, Andrew is sixteen, Amanda is fourteen, Alex is ten, Ashley is seven, and Aaron is four."
"Wow, wide variety."
"Yeah, but I'm the only one with the good looks." He jokes as he elbows my side.
"Wow, your siblings must look like baboons." I laugh.
"Haha, very funny."
"Okay, okay. If you had to choose your favorite sibling which one would it be?"
"Amanda or Abigail, all the boys are annoying with the exception of Aaron. And Ashley and I have never gotten along. But if I have to choose one I'd choose Amanda. She's still somewhat innocent and I like to listen to her tell me about her day at school."
"That's sweet, Ashton."
"You can call me Ash. And you want to know my favorite story of hers by far?"
"Absolutely, Ash."
"Okay so she comes home from school and she's so angry her head could blow. She runs to her room and screams all the way there. I go and check on her and she tells me, "this guy asked me out," so I'm all confused because that's supposed to be flattering and all but apparently she wanted to ask him out and he stole her thunder. She's been crushing on this kid for months and ends it because he asked her out." He goes into a laughing fit and I follow. How ridiculous is that?!
"Wow, I really need to meet your sister. Do you still live with your parents?"
"Well, yeah. They both work so late and Abigail is completely incapable of watching the kids when her boyfriend is sticking his tongue down her throat twenty-four-seven."
"Ew." I cringe at the thought.

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