63- "He doesn't deserve you."

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Once Upon A Time Hudson gave me a key his apartment. So, I'm currently shoving it in the door that someone locked while I was gone. I shove the door open and run in, Cory following behind me.
"Where are they?" I ask.
"Upstairs?" Cory suggests. I run up the stairs and am immediately greeted with Ashton on top of Hudson beating the s*** out of him.
"Ashton!" I yell. Cory goes over and attempts to pull Ashton off of Hudson. While I continue to scream at the both of them. Cory finally gets Ashton off and pins him to the wall to calm him down while I help Hudson up.

Hudson's face is covered in blood and forming bruises.
"What happened?" I spit out angrily. They both stay silent and I drag Hudson through my room and into my bathroom.
"Sit." I tell him motioning to the counter. He does and I go to the cupboard and pull out a cloth and a first aid kit. I soak the cloth in hot water and start getting the blood off his face.

"Care to explain?" I ask.
"He doesn't deserve you." Is all Hudson says.
"Please, I bet you're the one that started this."
Hurt flashes over his eyes and his jaw tenses up.
"I- I didn't mean it like that." I sigh.
"He started it, Ava. I didn't throw a single punch, I took it all. Want to know why?" He asks grabbing my wrist that's holding the cloth. "It's because I'm trying. I'm trying to fix my mistakes. I'm sorry, Princess. I'm sorry every single day. I can hardly look at myself in the mirror. I'm trying."
"I know you are." I tell him. "And I'm sorry, for blaming it on you. And cheating. I shouldn't have blamed our break up on you. Really it was all my fault. You were outraged and I see that now."
"It wasn't your fault, I should've been more careful of him. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, I mean look at you." He says and puts the hand that was holding my wrist on my waist.
I giggle and try to fight the tears threatening to spill over.
"What started the fight?" I ask.
"We were just talking, trying to be at least civil. Then he started talking about you, in a really bad way, so I started yelling at him and he punched my nose. Obviously it escalated."
"What do you mean in a bad way?"
"I mean, he's a player. He doesn't love you he wants you."
"That's not true."
"Ava, come on, your blinded."
"No-" I'm interrupted by banging on the door just as I finish getting Hudson cleaned of blood.
"Come in." I say as I reach for a bandaid.

Ashton emerges in the doorway a stone look on his face.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Are you done yet?" He asks coldly.
"Almost." I reply putting a bandaid on Hudson's jaw and reaching for another to put on his forehead.
Ashton leave the bathroom but not my room, he sits on my bed staring into the bathroom.
"All done." I tell Hudson.
"Thanks." He says. "Go talk to him, I'll let myself out."
I nod and walk over to my bed and sit next to Ashton, I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his around my shoulders.
"Why'd you do that?" I ask.
"I hate him, Ava. Like really hate him with a passion."
"Okay, well you didn't have to nearly kill him."
"Yeah, I did."
"I have to show him that you're mine."
"In all honesty, I don't think he got the memo. Obviously that isn't the way to do it."

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