22- "No, on his father."

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Evangeline's POV

After I wiped off all of the makeup on my face, I went downstairs.
To my surprise Sophia was down there... Without Liam.

"Where is Liam?!" I asked.
"Um," Sophia started.
"He's at the store." Louis said calmly.
I could tell he was lying
"He's at Hudson's isn't he?" I asked upset.
They all just kind of looked worried and stayed quiet.
"I can't believe him!" I yelled.
I ran out the front to come to a surprise. Liam had just pulled in.
"Hey Babe." Liam said coming toward me.
"Why were you at Hudson's?!" I asked.
"I knew you would find out. But that doesn't matter, we need to call the police." He said.
I was shocked! "On Hudson?!"
"No, on his father." He said pulling out his phone and dialing the number.
I was very confused.
"Hello, this is Liam Payne." The conversation started.
"Yes I need some police over my house right away." He ended.
"Why are you calling the police on Hudson's father?" I asked.
"His so called father is John Marcus." He said.
"Oh my god!" Sophia gasped.
"Who's that?" I asked.
"He is known for child abuse and woman abuse." Harry explained .
"Yeah, Hudson did all that stuff to you because his father was threatening him." Liam said.

*Knock Knock*

Liam ran to open the door.

The police and Liam started talking and then they left. We didn't know where they went, (probably to Hudson's house) or why, but they just left without a word.

*2 hours later*

I was supposed to be asleep an hour ago when Harry put me to bed but I was awake and worried.
Then I heard a lot of talking and people coming from downstairs.

I snuck out of my room and walked down the dark hallway, I looked around the corner and saw all of the boys and police men and... Hudson and his sisters and brother?
I listened in to the conversation.

From what I heard, Hudson's Mother and Father were arrested and Hudson and his sisters and brother were staying here for the night until they found an adoption home for them.
"Crap!" I whisper yelled.

I ran back to my room and layed on my bed. I would have to see him in the morning... It was going to be hard. I trusted him and he broke it, yet another reason to trust no one.

I started crying at the thought. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

Liam's POV

I went to wake Ava up in the morning to worn her about Hudson. She wasn't in bed though.

I heard a door open and Ava walked out of her bathroom.

"Oh, hi Liam." She smiled.
"Hey," I started "Listen I just need to worn yo-" I was cut off by what Ava was saying.
"It's ok Liam, I know that Hudson and his family are here." She said calmly. "How long will they be here?"
"I'm not sure. Just until someone adopts them or an orphanage takes them."
"Oh." She said.

Ava just stood there, she was obviously thinking about something. I just kind of watched her curiously.

*knock knock*

"Come in." I said.

Hudson slowly opened the door. Ava rolled her eyes and I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.

"Hey... Can I talk to Evangeline?" Hudson asked looking at the floor.

"Yes but I'm not leaving." I told him stepping away.

"What do you want?" Ava asked angrily.

"I want to say I'm sorry." He said sadly.

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