2- "Why? Is it like some kind of dorm room or something?"

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Mr. Payne, such a familiar name but where had I heard it?

I turned to look into the mans eyes. He looked gentle, I liked that. He had brown eyes and light brown hair, the kind you wanted to run your fingers through. He was a very attractive man, but he still looked a bit young.

"Hi." He said to me "You can call me Liam."
"Uh... Hello Liam." I said to him.
He chuckled and looked at Mrs. Smith.
"Okay Evangeline he's going to sign the last of the papers and take you home." Mrs. Smith said to me.

I just glanced at her and then at Liam, I didn't trust anyone. No one trusted me and people hurt me in ways I can't explain it hurt to much, people hurt me and they lose my trust everyone hurt me I trust no one. I was scared to go home with Liam, he seemed nice but I had no idea who the heck he was! I decided that I would just not talk to him and basically lock my self in my room. Hopefully he would home school me or something, I hadn't been to school in two whole years. It's something they cut out of the orphanage because they were losing money.

"Ok love." Liam said with his beautiful British accent. "Time to leave."

He walked out the door and held it open for me but I just stood there looking at him and the girls touching him and talking to him like he was famous or something. I couldn't hear a thing just a ringing noise in my ears and Liam held his hand out for me to grab. I looked at it and debated whether to take it or not, I slowly grabbed his hand and he lead the way to the car as the other girls screamed and asked him to sign there shoes and shirts and skin. They must have thought he was the hottest guy on earth or something.

On my way out Mindy was leaning against the wall by the door just gazing at me like she was upset with me. I said goodbye to her and she rolled her eyes and ran upstairs.

I was in the car and Mrs. Smith brought me my bag and hugged me goodbye, she never showed much affection toward me but when she hugged me she told me how sorry she was that the other girls were so rude to me. If she really was then she would have done something about it. Then we drove off and all the girls were so upset that Liam adopted me and not them.

"So, Evangeline, I hope you like the house. Just to let you know, there are 3 other guys that live there."
"Why? Is it like some kind of dorm room or something?" You'd be surprised how many times that's actually happened to some of the girls here.
"No, you'll see." He laughed.

I just stared out the window and then we entered a very wealthy neighborhood, all of the houses were mansions and had fountains and statues and they were all so beautiful. I wish I could live somewhere like this. The next thing I know we were in the driveway to one of the mansions, Liam turned off the car and went to the trunk to grab my bags.

"You live here?!"
"Oh my god!"
"Follow me, you can meet the boys."
I followed him curious by what he meant by 'the boys'.

"Ok Evangeline." He said as I walked in the door. "This is Harry, Louis, and Niall." He pointed to each one.
"Hello," I said, "I'm Evangeline."

They each said hello.

He had such a large home it was beautiful!!! Chandeliers and granite and VERY expensive furniture. I was so happy to be here.

"Come on love, I'll show you to your room." the other boys helped him with my bag and Liam lead the way my room was on the second floor, in fact all of the rooms were.

We walked into my room, there were two windows next to each other and the bed in between them, the comforter was chevron, a mint green and white, and lots of pillows the same colors,(those are my two favorite colors), at the end of the bed was a white dresser with boxes the colors of white and mint and they had things in them like makeup and jewelry. I had a walk in closet that was filled with clothes. I had my own bathroom the same colors. They must have been wanting me a while or something because they knew a lot about me. Then I remembered a servey type of thing Mrs. Smith gave me when I first got to the orphanage I put down my clothes size (which hadn't changed because they hardly ever feed us.) And my favorite colors and makeup and jewelry and clothes and such, they must have gone through it to make me feel as at home as possible. They were nice that's for sure.

"Ok love, we each got you a little gift, like a house warming gift for you." Liam said to me.

He handed me a bag, they already bought so much stuff for me they must be broke now.

"Thank you, but you really didn't have to do all of this I would have been fine" I was used to disapointment.

The boys set my bags on my bed and gave me instructions to unpack and then come down for dinner. I did as I was told.

I changed into my regular outfit the one I always wore on casual days. I only had three main outfits but now that I had a lot more clothes I would have more outfits. I put on my leggings with the hole in the knee from Sarah always pushing me around and falling, then I put on my worn out rolling stones band tee. As I was headed down stairs I noticed a One Direction CD on my desk by the radio, they must be some kind of band.

When I got down stairs it smelled great! The boys were all sitting around the table waiting for me. A chef brought over the food and he accidently bumped into my shoulder, I flinched and all the boys nervously looked at me. The chef apologized quickly and walked away.

All the boys were staring at me with blank faces. I started eating and when I was done I quickly stood up to go lock myself in my room when Liam asked why I had flinched earlier. My body tightened at the sound of him asking.

"I don't want to talk about it."
"Well are you ok?"
"I'm fine." Then I quickly ran up the stairs.
I plopped on my bed crying, they were going to keep asking about it.

*knock knock*

"I don't want to talk about it!" I semi yelled.
"Its Adrianna; the maid."
"Oh... Come in."
"Hello Evangeline, I'm Adrian... Oh sweetie are you alright?"
"I'm fine, like I said I don't want to talk about it."

She nodded and picked up the dirty clothes from my hamper which was just a shirt and leggings. Then she left.

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