39- "Thanks for an awesome night, Shawn."

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The award show was an amazing experience! It was so much fun and Shawn is super cool!

"Thanks for an awesome night, Shawn." I laughed. We had just pulled up to my house and Liam came out to help get my stuff.
"Thank you, actually. Management usually makes me take someone boring." He laughed.
"Do you want to come over tomorrow to swim? I have some friends coming over." I asked.
"Um, yeah, it sounds fun. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled as he got back in his car. I waved goodbye as he drove away then took all my stuff inside. I plopped down next to Liam on his bed. He was reading some weird book about a murder and is completely in love with it.
"Did you see me?" I asked.
"Yes I did." He said not looking away from his book.
"And?" I ask hopefully.
He sighed, folded the corner of the page, set the book down, and turned to me. "I hate how fast you've grown up. I realize you're seventeen but you were fifteen when I adopted you!"
"I was fifteen for literally a day. My birthday was right after you adopted me."
"It doesn't matter. I miss fifteen year old Evangeline." He grabbed the remote and turned on the television hanging from the wall. He recorded the parts I was in and began showing me.
"Dang, I look good." I laughed.
"Yeah, you invited Shawn over to swim tomorrow?"
"Who's all coming?"
"Corey, Peyton, Sabrina, Rowan, Megan, Britney, Daniel, Cooper, Nathaniel, Shawn, and I was going to invite Hudson but obviously that isn't happening." Corey, Peyton, Sabrina, Rowan and I all stayed really close after it all. Megan, Britney, Daniel, Cooper, and Nathaniel are all on the show. Daniel plays my boyfriend on the show and Hudson hates that.
"I trusted that, you know."
"You know he's a human being and not a thing, right?"
"Calm down, it's kind of my fault actually."
"Yeah? How so?"
"The whole Shawn thing and Corey and Peyton and Daniel and all the other guys I've been spending time with. He gets jealous so easily and I know that."
"It's not your fault, your basically forced to spend time with most of those guys."
"Yeah, I guess so."
"What about Veve? You didn't invite her?"
"No, none of them really like her. She's kind of just a misfit. She's so awkward around them."
"Isn't she your best friend?!"
"No, Corey is my best friend. Where have you been?"
"Are you sure he's just a friend?"
"Yes I'm sure! The only person I've ever liked is Hudson."
"Okay. Go to bed."
"Okay, I love you goodnight."
"Love you, goodnight."

As I climbed into bed, after putting all of my stuff away and taking off my makeup and changing, I got a text from Genevieve.

From: Genevieve (1:34 am)
Hey, what are you doing tomorrow? Want to go to the mall with me?

To: Genevieve (1:35 am)
I can't sorry, I have work. It's so annoying I'm literally filming all day! Maybe some other time?

From: Shawn (1:35 am)
I'm sure you're not asleep yet, hopefully. But I was wondering what time I should come over tomorrow?

From: Genevieve (1:36 am)
Yeah, see you later.

To: Shawn (1:36 am)
Around seven, everyone else is staying until midnight so it doesn't really matter what time you come or go.

From: Shawn (1:36)

From: Shawn (1:37)
See you then!

I put my phone on my nightstand and turned over to go to sleep.
As I was just about to fall asleep a knock jolted me awake.

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