20- "You look, 16."

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The next day it was about 5:00 pm and I had just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready.

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it?" I shouted from my bathroom.
"Come in."
"Hey babe, ready for the movie?"
"I'm getting ready now."
"Oh. Did you eat yet."
"No... I'll eat when I'm done getting dressed."
"Okay." She said then pulled out her phone which I looked at.
"What app is that?"
"Instagram. You should make one."
"Oh I do have one but I don't know how to use it."
"Here I'll tell people to follow you, all you have to do is post stuff."
"Oh." I said finishing my hair.

I was now dressed and my hair and makeup was done.
"Okay let's go eat." I said.

Sophia got up and followed me, the boys were all at the table waiting for us.
"Oooo." Harry said. "Look who's ready for her date."
I rolled my eyes "It isn't a date, we're just friends!"

I sat down across from Liam.
"I don't like it!" Liam said.
"What?" I said sadly.
"You look, 16." He said.
"I am!" I laughed.
He smiled and just looked at me.
Louis phone started ringing. "Its Brianna, I got to take this."

Brianna... His child's mother... His not girlfriend... His not wife... The baby mama... Just a girl.

Louis started talking about the house he was buying near her.
I just sat quietly eating my food then he sat back down.

"Sorry about that. She just wanted to tell me some things."
We all acknowledged what he was saying.

It was now somehow 6:30 and Cole said he would be over around 6:50 we were watching a show called Baby Daddy, it was quite amusing.

*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it." I said standing up.
I opened the door to see Hudson standing there.
"Hey Hudson, Come in." I said motioning him inside.
"Thanks." He said kindly and stood behind the couch.
We all continued to watch for about 10 more minutes.
"Ok guys go get in the car." Sophia said.
I lead Hudson to the Lambo and he was shocked that we were going to the movie theater in it.
"Have you ever been in one?" I asked Hudson.
"No. Its so cool! I can't believe that this is how you get to school!"
I laughed. "Yeah, I guess I'm just lucky."
It was pretty much just awkward silence all the way to the theater.

We bought our tickets and went to get snacks. Hudson bought a small popcorn and a small coke then asked me what I wanted.

"Evangeline, what do you want?" Cole asked me.
"I don't like buttered popcorn and I don't like to drink anything while I watch movies."
He thought I was crazy! It was really funny!
We got to the movie and sat at the very top of the theater. We watched like 2 minutes of previews then the movie started. We were seeing a new superhero movie called AntMan. It was sad and funny and intense. It was perfect.
On the ride home we talked about the movie nonstop.

"The part with the Avengers was so cool!" Hudson said.
"I didn't realize that they were like real in the movie." I told him.
"Yeah, I just thought the guy was being sarcastic." Hudson told me.
Hudson was easy to talk to, it's like when I looked into his pretty eyes I could practically see his soul! His hair was the kind of hair that you wanted to run your fingers through, like Liam's kind of. And his outfits were always perfect! A button up shirt and the sleeves were rolled half way, tan colored shorts and Sperry's. He was perfect!

We pulled up to his house and I walked with him to his door. His house was similar to mine, it was big and looked very alike.

"Thanks for coming with me." Hudson said.
"Thanks for inviting me." I laughed.
"It was a lot better with you." He said smiling.

There was an awkward silence and then... He started to lean in, he just stared into my eyes and I didn't move. I just stood there. Then he...

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