12- "It's because of Hudson?!"

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When I was done getting ready in the morning I went downstairs to eat. When I was done the boys and I started talking.

"Are you excited for school today?" Louis asked.

"No!" I said.

"Why?" Niall asked. They honestly knew nothing!

"People are just going to ask me questions all the time and ask for your autographs and stuff." I said.

"Tell them we say no. Unless one of your close friends want one then we will do that." Harry said.

I went to the window and looked out at it nervously then the limo honked. They must've known I was worried because Niall came over to me and hugged me.

"Its alright love, we can go with you if you'd like." Niall said.

I shook my head then we all got into the limo. Then there was bad news... Louis had to tell us something important.

"Eleanor and I broke up." Louis said.

I felt bad for Louis but I didn't speak, I was to nervous.

"Awe. Lou, so sorry!" Harry said giving him a hug.

"Nah its alright, mutual break up." Louis responded.

We pulled up at the school and I saw a ton of girls... Of course.

"Ok... Goodbye." I said then I carefully got out of the car closing the door behind me fastly.

The girls were so loud I wondered what a concert was like.

"Its just me!" I said to all of the girls, some walked away but others stayed to ask me a ton of questions.

I walked to my locker ignoring all of them and guess who was waiting for me there... Hudson. Except this time, it was a good thing.

"Hey." He shouted.
"Hi." I shouted back.
"What's happening?" He asked loudly.
"They saw the show." I shouted at him in return.

"Hey!" All of the girls shut up and looked over at Hudson. "Leave her alone... She obviously isn't going to answer you."

The girls left kind of scared.

"Thank you!" I said happily.
"Of course!" He said "May I walk you to class?"
"We are going to the same class right?"
"Let's go."

We walked along and all of a sudden I hear on the speaker

*Evangeline Payne please report to the office.*

"Should I come with you?" Hudson asked.
"Um... No just go to class." I told him.

He walked away and I walked to the office. When I walked in the boys were standing there. I gave them a weird look and then the principal spoke up.

"Evangeline, the boys are concerned about your first hour." The principal said.
"Why?" I asked.

"Well... Hudson is in-" Liam started.

"It's because of Hudson?!" I shouted "Ugh! Just leave us alone okay? He is getting help and crap he'll be fine!"

"Ava, we are switching your first and fourth hour and you will be switching lockers with Crista Zallion." Louis said.

I stared at them in disbelief. "Seriously? I hate this, its so stupid!"
"Ava, this is for your own good." Liam said.
"No! It's not!" I said then I quickly ran out of the room to my real first hour.
"Ava! Stop!" Liam called chasing after me.
"No!!!!" I ran into my first hour and sat right behind Hudson. He looked at me concerned and I rolled my eyes.

"Ava!" Liam said walking in. And then... Boom. The girls started screaming and yelling and some even cried, the boys pushed past the girls and made their way to me.

"Let's go!" Liam said grabbing my arm.
"No!" I said pushing him off.
"Now!" He yelled at me sternly.
I was fritghened and scared and Liam could tell.

"Ava-" he started.

"No! Let's just go." I said disappointed.

"I'm sor-" Liam said.
"No! Let's go!" I told him.

We walked to the limo and some girls tried to follow us but luckily the school and security. The boys all got in the limo and sat toward the front so I tried to stay as far away from them as possible.

When we got home I ran to my room and locked myself in it. I heard plenty of knocks but I never answered any of them. The boys would talk but I wouldn't answer. This went on all day, I even got some notes under the door saying to open it but I never did. Eventually it was about 8:30 and I got bored so I decided to go to sleep. When I got into bed I turned off the light and heard a knock... It was Liam.

"Ava?" Liam said through the door.
I debated whether I should answer or not. "What?" I said sternly.

"I just want you to know that I love you. I'm going over Sophia's house tonight but I'll be back around 10:30" he said.

"Okay." I answered.

He stood by the door, I could tell he was upset but it didn't bother me. I just closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

But then I heard another knock, I tried to ignore it but they kept knocking and all I wanted to do was sleep. So I got up and went to the door but that's when I realized it wasn't coming from the door, it was coming from a window. I only knew one person that did that, Hudson!

I ran to the window and opened it quickly.


"Yup." He said climbing into the room through the window. "What happened earlier and why are you going to bed?"

"Its a long story." I told him.

"I've got time."

I looked back at my door making sure no one was there and that it was locked. "Ok." I sighed "Well the boys were a little upset that we were becoming friends and so they were telling me to just stay away from you or else I would be in trouble."

He looked at me in disbelief and I continued. "So then they went to my school and found out how they could keep you away from me and so they switched my locker and my first hour. Then I just locked myself in my room and I've been in here all day."

"So you haven't eaten or anything?"
"What? You have to eat!"
"I'm fine, I'm used to not eating."
"Are you sure?"
"So what happened on the show?"
"They just asked me questions and I got a puppy... He is down stairs."
"Yeah his name i-"

The door swung open and I was terrified!

"What is this?!" Harry yelled. "I'm calling Liam."
"Harry please don't!" I begged.

He pulled out his phone and I started pleading. Of course Hudson had to witness the whole thing.

I ran down stairs and Hudson and Harry followed. Harry stopped when Liam answered and he started talking to him. I ran out the front door and Hudson followed but Harry stood there watching us.

"What are you doing?" Hudson asked.
"I don't know... Running away again!"
"Just please don't tell the boys."
"Evangeline I have to!"

He turned around and walked back to Harry but I started running.

I didn't know where I was going at first but when I figured it out I ran faster.

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