23- "What's going on?"

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Evangeline's POV

He wanted to say sorry.... For like the tenth time?!

I rolled my eyes. "Get out." I said calmly without looking at him.
He stood there for a moment then slowly left.

"You really should give him a second chance." Liam said as he was walking out the door. "You didn't see what I saw."
I sighed and plopped down on my bed.
So much was racing through my mind at the moment, it was horrible!

*Ding Dong*

I walked downstairs and was surprised to see our neighbors.

"What's going on?" I asked no one in particular, I was standing at the top of the stairs looking down at everyone and everything in the living room.

Harry raced up the stairs, the other boys (except for Liam) followed him.

"Marcus' kids, Come on!" Harry mentioned for them to follow us.
We went to Harry's room.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Our neighbors... Can't have children. They've been looking into adopting and I think they want to adopt you guys." Harry explained. "Well the Marcus' kids that is, not Ava, we love her to much!"

I smiled and looked over at Hudson, Hailey, Henry, and Hazel. Hailey, Henry, and Hazel were all smiling but Hudson just had a blank face.

Hudson is the oldest then Henry, then the twins, Hazel and Hailey.

I guess Hudson didn't really know what to think about all of this.

"You can come down now!" Liam semi yelled upstairs.

We all rushed down and I ran over to Liam and gave him a big hug.

"Ok guys, Mr. and Mrs. Schofield want to adopt you... Are you ready?"

"Yeah!" Hazel and Hailey said at the same time.

"Okay, I payed for all of your stuff from your other house to be brought to their house. See you soon." Liam good them.

Everyone left happy, except for Hudson who was actually quite sad. But this was for the best.


The rest of the week was pretty normal, that is except for Friday

Today was Friday. I had an interview with Jimmy Fallen, just me and Jimmy on live television... No boys. Great!

I was getting ready for the interview.

I put on black pumps, a navy blue pencil skirt, a black silky button up, and Sophia's lucky necklace. I curled my hair and did my makeup then went downstairs.

"Ok... I'm ready." I said.
"What are you wearing?" Liam asked.
"Dad... I'm sixteen. Get over it!"
"You look eighteen." He sighed, "I don't think I'll get over it. Let's go."

I walked out to Liam's car and he drove us to the studio.

"And now please welcome Evangeline Payne."

I walked out and was greeted by Jimmy and a large audience.

"Hi." I said while I sat down
"Hello Evangeline." Jimmy said "How are you?"
"Doing good, how about you?"
"I'm good thanks."
"Ok so... As you know we asked fans to comment questions they wanted you to answer. We have chosen the ones we think you would have fun with."
"Alright, let's do this." I laughed.
"Okay, first question... How old are you?"
"Really? You look eighteen!"
"Liam thinks so too."
He laughed a moment then continued with questions. "How long have you lived with the guys?"
"Um... About a year now."
"Wow! And this is only your second interview?"
"Have you ever seen any of the guys naked?" He asked with a laugh.
"Um... No, thank god!"
We laughed
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Do you want a boyfriend?"
"Uh... I guess it would be cool but I don't know if Liam would approve."
"What do you look for in a guy?"
"Nice, funny and if he's cute that's bonus."
"Well there is a guy here that says he really thinks your cool and wants to meet you."

I looked at in the croud and saw a guy stand up, I was shocked to see that it was Corey Fogelmanis!
Corey Fogelmanis is so hot! And he was an actor, and he wanted to meet me.
He walked on stage and I stood up to meet him.

"Hey." He said.
"Hi." I answered then he sat on the couch next to me.

I started to laugh and everything was just really quiet. I kept laughing and Jimmy and Corey just looked at me with blank faces. When I stopped laughing Jimmy continued the questions.

"Would you rather be an actor, a singer or a musician?"
"Hmm... Probably an actor. I'm not good at singing or playing instruments so."
"Well that's good to hear because you have a guest staring roll on Girl Meets World!" Corey smiled.
I was shocked! This is amazing! I've always wanted to be an actor.
"Wow! Thank you!" I said shocked.
"Alright everybody we're going to take a quick break, be right back after this." Jimmy said.

Corey and I walked backstage and we had to talk about the show a bit.

Liam's POV

I just so happened to know that Evangeline really wanted to be an actress when we was old enough. Now that she is I made a few calls and got her into a Disney television show as a guest star. I asked for them to announce it during the Jimmy Fallen show. I hope she likes it!
We were in the car on the way home.

"So are excited to for the show?" I asked.
"Yeah! Actually I've always wanted to be an actress but I've never told anyone so I'm super excited." She answered.
"I know. That's why I got you on the show." I told her.
"Really? How did you know?"
"Can't tell." It's from when I read her journal. That's also how I knew about her past. It still eats me alive.
She rolled her eyes. "Thank you."
"Anything for you!"

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