58- "Ava, can I ask you something?"

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"Dad, I want to go home." I say so quickly I'm not even sure he hears.
"I can't be here anymore. I'm going crazy living with these people. I can't do it for another two months."
"What? You want us to just get up and leave?" He responds.
"No. I can leave. I'm seventeen I think I handle being on a plane myself and all that. And you could ask Uncle Louis if I could stay with him."
"Louis is with his girlfriend in Malibu."
"What about Uncle Harry? He loves me, right?"
"Harry does love you. A whole lot. But he's in Canada with his sister."
"Hudson?" I ask cautiously. The second it comes out of my mouth I regret it. Why would I even try?
"You trust Hudson?" Liam asks shocked. He must think I'm crazy, after what he did and all.
"I don't know. This whole thing just makes me want to cry all the time. I love Hudson, dad. But I don't know if I could ever have a relationship with him again. I know that he really needs me right now and I really need someone that lives in California right now. I just don't know. I'm desperate." I say. This is the first time I've spilled my guts about Hudson, I thought I would never, especially to Liam!
"Okay, well, I'll give you today to make up your mind if you really want to go spend two months with Hudson. And even if you say you do I still have to talk with Lizzie and make up my mind, okay? And if you do of course I'll be calling Hudson and having a very, very long chat with him about the whole thing."
"Okay." I agree. "I'm meeting Ashton for lunch in an hour so I need you to get out so I can change."
"Ava, I don't know about this guy. You've had four dates with him this month alone. Do you really like him?"
"Yeah, dad. I really do." I assure him. Ashton is a great guy, and he's so great to me. I like every bit of him. Liam smiles and squeezes my hand before getting up and walking to the door. His hand is on the knob ready to open it but stops to ask me something.
"One more thing, did something happen while you were shopping earlier?"
"No," Yes. "Nothing at all." You little liar. Liam nods then leaves my room and I fall back on my bed with a big sigh.

*Some time later*
"Ava, can I ask you something?" Ashton asks and grabs my hand. We are currently sitting in a local cafe he loves. It's just us in the cafe, apparently they've been real slow lately.
"Of course." I tell him.
"Well, we've been spending a lot of time together lately and I want to know if you'd be my girlfriend?" Ashton asks. There isn't a single second he breaks eye contact or his voice trembles. He's confident in what he's saying and what the answer will be. And that just crushes my heart even more.
"Ashton, I would kill to be your girlfriend. But I have to let you know, I might be going back to California soon instead of staying the three months planned."
"You're kidding." He laughs. "My family is moving to California in four months. We haven't told the kids yet. That's why I was in California that time, I was looking for a house for us all. And I found one, a great one, in Torrance."
"You're kidding! I live in Palm Springs, it's only a two hour drive!"
He smirks and I can't help but smile.
"So, I'll ask again. Evangeline Meredith Payne, will you be my girlfriend?" Ashton asks again. And this time I don't even hesitate to say yes. Two hours isn't so bad.
"But I must tell you, if I do end up leaving early, I'm probably going to live with my ex those two months."
His eyes flash an emotion I can't pin then he waits a moment before asking, "Do you trust him?"
"Yes, I do."
"Does he still love you?"
"Yes, he does."
"Do you still love him?" I could hear the pain and hesitation in his voice as he asks.
"No, I don't." Lies. Lies. Lies. Liar. I'm a terrible person. Oh my god.
"I could come with you if you want. It's no trouble. My mom's quitting soon for her new job in California so she can watch the kids."
"Are you sure? I'd love if you came with, but I don't want to cause any trouble." Yes, I would love if you came with, just so that I'm reminded daily that I have a boyfriend and that I don't like Hudson anymore.
"It's no trouble, Ava, none at all."
"Okay then, and besides I might not even be going."
"When will you know?"
"Well you tell me as soon as you find out, okay?"
"Why don't we go walk around, yeah?"
"Yeah." I smile and he grabs my hand then leads me out the door.

6k reads!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! All the freaking love in the world! Xx

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