31- "Hey... You look familiar."

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I woke up and realized that I had school tomorrow! Shoot! Hopefully my first day back to school for like five months would be okay.
Luckily the boys went on tour in two months!

Veve went home and nothing happened today! Nothing... Nothing. So I just sat in my room and was on my phone all day. At least I had fun on it.

I went to sleep at 8:30 because there was nothing to do.

"Oh look at Evangeline... She thinks she's so cool because her daddy is in One Direction." A girl yelled.
"Please Darla! I didn't do anything!" I begged.
"What you gonna go home and cry to daddy?" She grinned "Daddy, Daddy help! Darla's being mean!" She mocked.
"His name is Liam!" I said.
She laughed and punched me in the eye. And walked to class.

I woke up and realized it was all just a dream... Thank god! I looked at the clock it was... 11:32.

I fell back asleep easily.

"I want to be your first kiss." I looked straight into Hudson's eyes as he said that.
I leaned in and our lips touched. It felt good. Too good! I wrapped my arms around his neck.
We released the kiss and had our foreheads together.
"I love you." Hudson said.

I woke up yet again and looked at the clock... 12:47? This dream lasted longer than an hour? How? Whatever, as long as it's over!

I then went back to sleep and didn't dream anything.

I woke up in the morning dreading school! I hopped in the shower and got dressed and stuff and ate then got in my car. Liam finally got me my own car because he doesn't trust me to drive his after what happened with Hudson that one night. Apparently I damaged it from driving a little too recklessly.

Sophia came with me for the first day back she told me she would pick me up too. She must have noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" She asked a bit concerned.

"Its just... I just... I had a... Dream last night... It was weird."
"Oh... Well just remember it was just a dream!"
I faked a smile and continued staring out the window. My jaw hit the ground when I saw a girl that looked exactly like the girl in my dream.

I got out of the car and rushed to my first hour not stopping on the way to say hi to fans.

When I got in I sat behind some guy, he had dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey... You look familiar." He said turning around to face me. He was so beautiful and yes I realize it's weird to say that about a guy but its true.
"Um, My name is Evangeline Payne." I said.
"Oh... Like Liam Payne's daughter."
"Yeah." I said. Then I happened to look at the door and in walked the girl in my dream.

She looked at me with a death stare and I had a feeling that my dream was about to become real.

"Well my name is Gray." The guy I was talking to told me.
"I like it!" I said hoping to sound cool about it.
"Thanks." He chuckled.

The girl in my dream came and sat right next to me then looked at me with her death stare. She was Blonde with ice blue eyes that looked deep into your soul and pulled out all secrets.

"So your Evangeline?" She asked.
"Yeah, What's your name?" I stuttered.
"Darla." She spit.
She must have seen my heart drop because she smirked.
"Already scared?" She asked.
"N-" I was cut off by Gray.
"Leave her alone Darla, I hope you realize that she has a billion body guards and the most famous father in the world!" Gray said.
"Shut up, Gray!" She spit.
He rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Don't be intimidated by her... She's a rag!" He said.
"You really shouldn't call her a rag... I know how it feels." I said to Grey.
"Yeah right, like you know how it feels!" Darla said.
"I do!" I answered.
"Ok class- Evangeline, nice to have you here! Here is your locker info, you may go put your stuff away." The teacher said smiling.

I got up grabbed my bag and said thank you then hurried to my locker.
When I got to it and opened it, I looked at it as if I was staring into heaven from hell. This god awful place just became worse!

You throw your stuff in the locker and grab a pencil and notebook.
Then someone hugs you from behind and it scares you at first.

"Guess who?" The familiar voice whispers from behind you.
"Drew?" I asked playfully knowing it was Hudson.
"No!" He stammers.
"I know!" I say and turn around. I looked into his eyes and it seems as though he tells me something with them.
"Remember when Paul cut us off in the limo?" He asks.
I fangirl in my mind and try to be cool.
"Yeah." I say biting my lip

He wraps his arms around my waist like he's done this a million times. I wrap my arms around his neck praying no one would catch us or I would be groanded for... Forever! He leaned in and his soft lips brushed mine and then they come together more forcefully, I don't want it to stop but I know it has to. He pulls away, his arms still wrapped around me and I smile.

"My first kiss to my first love." He says
"I have to go back to class." I say realizing how long I have been gone.
He let's go of me and grins. "Can I walk you back?" He asks.
"Only if you come over my house later today." I say.

He grabbed my hand and my notebook and pencil and lead the way.
We reached the room and let go of my hand, then kissed my cheek and handed me my stuff.

"See you later." I said as he walked away.

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