46- "Ava, I'm sorry."

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So I'm trying to stick to my initial intentions and not have any cursing in it so I just "bleeped" them out. I can't wait for you all to hate me!! (I'm legit being genuine when I say that lol.)

The man at the front desk buzzed up to Hudson's pent house.
"Mr. Marcus, there's a Ms. Payne here to see you." The guy said.
"Yeah, send her up." Hudson said back to him. He was mad, really, really, really mad!

The elevator dinged and I got inside. It took me to the floor and Hudson's door was propped open. I walked in to find the movie still playing and Hudson nowhere. He wasn't in the kitchen or anywhere downstairs for that matter. I went to the stairs and climbed up slowly. I know he's mad. He's going to break up with me. There's nothing I can do about it.

I walked to his room and knocked on the door lightly before walking in and seeing him pacing by the window.

He turned to look at me, if looks could kill I'd be more than dead. I'd be vanished from existence!

"What the f*** is this?!" He yelled pointing to his phone.
"No! You said I didn't have to worry about him."
"You don't!"
"Obviously I do!"
"No, you really don't. Trust me that will never happen ever again, baby."
"Don't call me that."
"Stop! I'm done with this! Have you learned nothing from your parents?! Your mom, Liam, I mean seriously! Cheating just leaves you lonely and depressed."
"Hudson, stop it!" I yelled as I threw my bag on the ground and went up to him. I grabbed his hand and began to talk to him.
"Get off me." Hudson said through gritted teeth.
"Baby, please-"
"Get off me!" He yelled as he pushed me away. I fell to the ground with a thud and winced in pain.
"Get out." He said, again through gritted teeth. I gave him a look of shock as I got up and stood in front of him.
"I said get out!" He pulled his hand back and the next thing I knew my cheek had burning/stinging feeling.
"S***" I heard him mutter under his breathe.

Two single tears fell down my cheeks. I grabbed my bag and ran to the door.
"Ava, wait!" Hudson yelled as he ran after me.
I got to the door and grabbed the handle. For the love of God! Why must this door be so complicated?! It's almost impossible to open.
Just as I got it Hudson came behind me and shut it.
"You've made it clear, Hudson. I'm leaving." My voice trembled as I spoke and I can tell he regrets what happened.
"Ava, I'm sorry. I knew it was going to happen again. I knew it. I'm trying, Ava! Please give me another chance."
Without turning around to face him I sighed. "I'm done giving you second chances, now, please take your hand off the door so I can leave."
After what felt like an hour of silence Hudson took his hand off the door reluctantly and watched as I left. Once outside the now closed door I just stood in the hallway not knowing what to do. I heard Hudson in the living room knocking things over. I'm pretty sure he threw a beer bottle at the wall. I could hear him talking and yelling to himself and throwing more things at the wall. I let more tears run down my cheeks and sat in the hallway for about ten minutes.

After the ten minutes of sitting in the silent hallway I reached into my bag to find my phone. It wasn't there. It's not in my bag! Shoot.

I left it inside Hudson's.

I slowly got up and made my way back to the door. I stared at it for a while before knocking. I heard Hudson moving around inside and then I heard multiple things drop to the floor and break, including what I believe to be him. I heard multiple curses then the jingle of the door before it swung open to reveal a bleeding, crying Hudson.

"Hudson!" I went to the kitchen after dropping my bag for like the fifth time today and wet a cloth with warm water.
Hudson came in behind me and leaned against the counter. I put the cloth to his bleeding forehead and made him hold it there. I left to grab my phone and bag then went to leave. Before I got to the door Hudson called my name.
"What?" I asked as I turned around.
"I love you." He told me.
I didn't respond, I just walked through the door.

When I got in the lobby I immediately dialed Liam.
"Yes?" He asked through the line.
"Can you come pick me up at Corey's?" I asked.
"I thought you were with Hudson?" He asked.
"I'm at Corey's." I said.
"Are you crying?"
"Just come pick me up."
"Be right there."

I hung up and began my walk to Corey's, again.

Don't hate me. Kisses and hugs -Cam

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