56- "What do you mean Henry is gone?"

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"Never read another book or never listen to another song?" Ashton asks as he puts a chocolate in my hand. That question literally hurts my heart.
"Do I have to choose? That's the worst question in the entire world!" I complain.
"Yes you have to choose."
"Well then, I guess the music. I could always just remember songs I've heard before."
"I like the way you think." Ashton smiles.
"What about you?" I ask.
"Book, someone could always read them to me."
"I like the way you think as well."
I turn my head to look at my buzzing phone, Hudson's calling.

"Who is it?" Ashton asks as my phone continues to play One Direction music.
"Um, no one." I sigh.
"You can take it, I'll wait." Ashton nods.
I debate for a moment then pick up my phone and begin to pace in front of the couch.

"Hudson, what do you want?" I ask almost harshly.
"Um." Hudson chokes out. He's crying. Hudson is crying. The last time I can remember him crying is when I left.
"Are you okay?" I ask nervously.
"Ava, um, Henry's gone."
"What do you mean Henry is gone?" I ask a little confused.
"He died, Ava. In an accident."
At this point Hudson is sobbing into the phone and tears are pricking my eyes.
"Oh my god." Tears spill and run down my hot cheeks. Ashton comes up and wipes them from my face and holds onto my free hand.
"Ava, I don't know what to do." He tells me. I know he's hurt, so, so bad. Henry was so important to him. Hudson had to be the role model for Henry when their parents were taken away.
"Can I call you back in like ten minutes?" I ask looking up at Ashton.
"Yeah, of course."
"And, thanks Ava. I love you."
"I'll call you soon, bye."

I hang up and sigh then rest my head on Ashton's shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist, I could stay this way forever.

"Who was it?" Ashton asks.
I sigh and say quietly, "my ex."
"What?" He asks again.
"My ex, Hudson."
"Oh, what happened?"
"His little brother died." I say as I step out of Ashton's arms and walk to grab my bag and phone from the couch where I was once sitting.
"Can you take me-" I start and the front door opening stops me.

In walks a guy who looks just like Ashton without the tattoos and piercings.

"Why are you so late?" Ashton questions immediately.
"Calm down, I got a flat and had to fix it really quick."
"Okay, would you mind going upstairs until we leave?"
"Yeah, sure. But first can you sign this?" He asks pulling something out of his bag.
"What is it?"
"A thing that lets me get a tattoo."
"What are you even saying?! Of course you can't get a tattoo. You're sixteen!"
"Why not? Mom and dad would let me."
"We both know that's not true. Just shut up and go upstairs."
He groans and goes up the stairs. Ashton grabs my hand and his keys and we go to his car.

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