35- "My boy- just a friend."

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I walked into my first hour and sat behind Gray.

"Hey!" He said turning to face me.
"Hi." I smiled
"I saw you at the movie last night."
"Yeah, who were you with?"
"My boy- just a friend." I said and after that I practically slapped myself, I forgot that Liam said I was allowed to date.
"Are you sure?"
"Actually he is my boyfriend."
"Do you not like him?"
"No! I love him!"
"Oh... So you love him?"
"That's what I said wasn't it?"
"Ew why are you talking to her?" Darla said.
I sighed then the teacher started talking and distracted me from my thoughts.

When it was lunch time I walked into the lunch room after I got my food and everyone was staring at me for some reason.

"Ava!" Hudson yelled from a table off to the side.

I looked over and walked toward him smiling but he looked upset.

"Hey." I smiled.
"Do you like Gray?" He asked.
"What?! No!" I laughed.
"Darla told me you did!" He said.
"Well I don't and she doesn't even like me, she's just trying to create drama." I said.
Just then Gray walked up to me and hugged me from behind. "Hey babe" he said.
"Ew I'm not your babe! Get off of me!" I said.
"Leave her alone! She's mine!" Hudson said.
"Yeah? What're you gonna do about it?" Gray asked.
"This!" Hudson said and punched Gray in the face.
"Hudson stop! I'm fine!" I begged.
"No he just came up and called you babe, he is a perv!" He said.
"I'm fine! Please leave it alone!"
He sat back down at the table and put a protective arm around me.

Evangeline's POV (3 weeks later)

"Truth or dare?" Hudson asked me as I layed on the couch across from him.
"Dare!" I said eating popcorn.
"Wait! I thought you didn't like popcorn!" He said.
"I don't like movie theater popcorn!" I explained.
"Ok." He laughed.
"Its true." I said then threw popcorn at him.
"Really?" He said playfully then got and took my popcorn and started throwing it at me.

I shreaked and got up and took a big handful of popcorn and shoved it down his shirt.

"Hey!" He laughed loudly then he picked me up and playfully tossed me on the couch and leaned over me.

He kissed my forehead and then regretted it as soon as Liam walked it.
"What is going on?" He asked.
We stayed quiet and just looked at him.
"Adrianna!" He yelled.
She came running in and looked at Liam expectantly.
"Would you please clean up this mess?"
She shook her head and went for her stuff.
"Thank you!" He said after her.
"What was happening?" He asked.
"We were playing truth or dare and I might have sorta kinda threw popcorn at him then it turned into this." I explained.
"Go get your stuff from upstairs and take it to the moving truck." He said.
"Ok." I sighed.
"I'll help." Hudson said as we ran up the stairs.
"Don't be in her room for too long!" Liam yelled after us.

I grabbed a box and looked around my now empty room.

"I'm going to miss this!" I said.
"Should I kiss you so that you have a good last memory?" Hudson asked hopefully.
I rolled my eyes. "I think I have enough memories." I teased.
"Come on! Just one little kiss!" He begged.
"No, I'm good with the ones I have!" I teased some more.

He grabbed my waist and took the box I was holding then sat it on the floor.

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me in. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, it reminded me of our first kiss.

"Just one, tiny little kiss!" I said.

Then he leaned down and started to kiss me and I enjoyed it so much!

His soft lips against mine felt so good! They were smooth and perfect and I felt the electricity between us.

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