59- "Your room is always available."

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"Okay, so, Lizzie and I have talked it over and we think you can stay with Hudson if that's what you really want. But you have to check in with us everyday and I have to talk to Hudson." Liam says. I can tell he's nervous about it but I've never been so relieved!
"Are you serious?!"
"Oh my god! Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me." I smile. Then I remember a tiny little added detail. "Oh, one more thing. Ashton said he wants to come with me. His family is moving to Cali soon and he really wants to spend time with me. I really want him to come."
"Why?" Lizzie asks in a totally curious way whereas Liam would have asked in a threatening way.
"He's my boyfriend." I shrug.
Liam's mouth opens and closes as fast as it opened, like a fish. He speechless. My life.
"Do you really think Hudson is going to let both of you stay in his apartment? I mean I know he'll let you but your new boyfriend?" Lizzie asks a little shocked.
"All Hudson wants is for me to be happy. And if he sees that I'm happy with Ash he'll be okay."
They both go quiet and stay that way for what feels like years before Liam breaks the silence.
"Okay, get Hudson on the phone and ask him."
I nod and grab my phone from the bed side table then walk out into the hallway.
I shake as I go through all my contacts until I find Hudson and swipe to call. I'm anxious as I listen to the ring and wait for him to answer.
"Ava?" Hudson's raspy morning voice asks through the phone. It's only three there why is he sleeping?
"Were you just sleeping?" I ask.
"I was taking a nap." He says and you can hear the smirk spread across his lips.
"Oh, well I have a super big favor to ask of you."
"And what is that? You want me back and you've never stopped loving me and you're sorry?"
"I know, I know, sorry. But really what is it?"
"Can a friend of mine and I come live with you for two months?" I spit it all out as quickly as possible.
"Of course you can. Your room is always available."
"What about the guest room?" I ask trying to hide the smile in my voice.
"That's always available for you too. When are you coming?"
"I'm not sure. I have to work out all the details with Liam still but I'll keep you updated."
"Okay, I'll let you get back to your nap now."
"Alright, goodbye, I love you."
"Right, sorry, force of habit. Goodbye."
"Bye." I say and hang up. I hate how my heart still clenches and I get butterflies when he says those three words.

I slowly walk back into my room and sit down before even looking at Lizzie and Liam.
"He said yes." I say trying to contain my excitement.
"To both of you?" Liam asks.
"Okay. Pull out your laptop and let's get these details worked out."

*The next day*
To: Ash (8:36 am)
We're leaving in four days at six am. I have your plane ticket and all expenses payed for. Don't worry about it. I'm so excited!

From: Ash (8:38 am)
Ava! Why did you pay for my ticket?! I have money! You suck. But I'm excited too.

To: Ash (8:39 am)
Sorry. Not.

-Incoming Call From Ash-

"Why'd you call me?"
"So you can hear how mad I am at you for buying my stuff!"
"Ash, seriously it's not big deal. We have plenty of money. I think you're forgetting my dad is Liam Payne and I'm an actress in one of the biggest American television shows."
"That doesn't mean I want you to pay for my stuff."
"You don't have time to argue, you have to go pack your things." I tease.
"Fine. I'm coming over for dinner later right?"
"Okay see you later, love."

I hang up my phone before he can respond. I suddenly don't want him to come with me. I don't want him to be in the same place as Hudson. This is going to be a mess!

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