60- "Let's kick it!"

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"You have your passports?" Liam asks.
"Yes." Ash and I say in unison.
"All your luggage and stuff. And you're all ready?" Liam asks again.
"Yes." I tell Liam. "You have nothing to worry about! I'll call you as soon as we land. I'll get an Uber or a cab, okay?"
"No! I thought you had someone to pick you up."
"Yeah, Uber or a cab."
"Can't you call Hudson or something?"
"No. Uber is fine."
"Okay, okay. Go get in line for the luggage. Call me as soon as you land."
"I promise I will. Love you." I say and hug Liam. I turn to Lizzie and hug her too. Then I'm off to the thankfully short line for bag check in. I turn back and see Liam and Lizzie walking out the doors hand in hand. Ashton must notice my nervous state because he bends down and kisses my cheek, then he kisses the corner of my lips. I ease a bit and he takes hold of my suitcase and his and pulls them forward as the line moves. We're next in line and the person in front of us is taking forever!

When they're finally done paying for their luggage we step up. I give them our IDs and payment, then we head to security. We take off out shoes and put our carry ons in the trays then we wait in line to step into the circular box thing that circles around us.

After all of that we stop by a cafe and grab a drink first before going to wait by the gate. It doesn't take long for the speakers to call out first class for boarding. I stand up and Ashton immediately gives me a confused look. "We're in first class?" He asks grabbing his stuff.
"You road here in first class." I answer.
"Yeah with my parents money not my girlfriends!"
I giggle at his response, the words 'my girlfriend' give me goosebumps and jitters. I've missed the feeling of being called a girlfriend. I grab his hand and kiss his cheek walking up to the lady and giving her our boarding passes. She smiles, hands them back, and tells us to have a good flight then we go to our seats and prepare for take off. As we sit there Ashtons hand makes its way to my knee giving it a tight squeeze before resting it there. I have a feeling this isn't going to be such a bad flight.

After being in this plane for what feels like centuries, I'm so happy to finally land! While Ash and I wait for our luggage I take the time to call Liam.

"Ava." He says into the phone after answering on the first ring.
"Geez, anxious much?" I tease.
"Yes, you landed you're safe?"
"Yes. We're waiting for our luggage."
"Then what?"
"We're going to get an Uber to take us to Hudson's."
"Call one now."
"Okay. Love you, I'll call you later tonight, okay?"
"Okay. Love you too."
I hang up just in time, Ash is walking towards me with our luggage in his hands.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Yeah, let's kick it!" I laugh.

I have finished writing the book!!! I seriously am in love with the last like three chapters so make sure you read them. I did a triple update so love me! Btw the ending is kind of abrupt but I still love it.

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