65- I'm utterly shocked

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I wake up in my bedroom and am immediately greeted with a pounding headache. I groan as I rub my temples then get up and put a pair of leggings on. I go downstairs and find Ashton eating breakfast and Hudson... Nowhere.

"Good Morning, beautiful." He smiles at me.
"Good morning." I reply going to get a bowl for my cereal.
"Are you feeling okay?" He asks.
"Well, I have a headache. Why?"
He gets up concern practically written across his forehead. He puts his hands to my face as I poor the milk and put the spoon in.
"You have a fever." He tells me.
"No I don't, I'm probably just warm from sleeping."
"No, Ava, you have a fever."
"I do?" I ask pouting.
"Yes you do. Go sit down and eat your cereal. I'll go get you some medicine."
I sigh and go sit down shoveling food into my mouth.

As I'm halfway through the bowl and Ashton comes back downstairs I'm suddenly filled with a nauseating feeling. My eyes widen and my mouth fills with air as I get to the trash can just in time.
"Well God, Ava! You really are sick." Ash says holding back my hair. When I'm finished I groan and go upstairs to get this nasty taste out of my mouth.
Just as I'm about to walk out Ashton walks in.
"Why don't you lay down for a little while. I texted Hudson and told him to pick some stuff up on his way home from work. He has the early shift so he'll be here soon, he's done around two." Ashton says. I'm utterly shocked Ashton even has Hudson's number let alone texted him.
"What time is it now?"
"Ten thirty something."
"Okay. I'm gonna call Liam though." I say as I pick up my phone and dial his number.

I get in bed with my phone pressed to my ear.
"Hi, Ava. How are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I woke up with a headache and I just threw up!"
"Yes seriously!"
"Okay, is anyone there?"
"Yeah, Ashton."
"Did he give you anything?"
"I don't know two tiny pink pills."
"Okay, good, he gave you the right thing. You're going to get really tired from it so just lay down. Turn on the television or something and try to sleep, okay?"
"Okay. How's Lizzie?"
"She's great, we just watched a Nicholas Sparks movie. Guess who picked it."
"She did? You hate Nicholas Sparks. Which one was it?"
"The Notebook."
"So close! The Vow."
"Darn. I should've known. What about Karen and Geoff?"
"Grandmother and grandfather?"
"Dad, you know-"
"Yes, yes, I know. They're great. And so are Ruth and Nicola. They're all lovely. Missing you of course."
"Did you tell them why I left?"
"I told them one of your friends passed and you needed to be there."
"Okay. Well I'm going to go now. Have fun! I love you, goodbye."
"Love you, goodbye."

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