10- "Thank you. I'll be signing autographs later."

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Monday came around and I was getting ready, Sophia had bought me this super cute coral colored skirt with a floral print and a cute shirt that had all things French on it, she also got me a cute pair of sandals and a beautiful necklace to go with it. I had my hair curled and I did the wing that Sophia taught me.

I walked out of my room and down to the living room where the boys were waiting.

"Wow... I'm raising a super model!" Liam said.

"Thank you. I'll be signing autographs later." I laughed.

Harry handed me my shoulder purse. "They are going to love you!"

"Who wouldn't she's gorgeous!" Niall said.

Louis just kind of stared at me in shock, he'd never seen me like this before, none of them had.

"Oh I got you this phone case, wouldn't want your new phone to break!" Liam said handing me a beautiful gold and sparkly case with the letter E on the back of it.

"Its gorgeous, thank you!" I stated in shock and quickly put it on to my phone then slipped the phone into my purse.

"Alright let's go." Niall beamed.

We walked to the limo that was waiting for us outside of the house, unfortunately there were a billion screaming fans and a ton of paparazzi outside. Luckily I looked decent!

I smiled brightly for the cameras while I was walking down the steps.

When we got in the limo there was a man there waiting for us inside, he was obviously old and rich. The boys called him Uncle Si.

"Hello Evangeline. I'm Uncle Si." He said with his cite British accent.

"Hello Uncle Si, I'm Evangeline." I said with a laugh.

"You are a beautiful young lady!"

"Thank you!"

Then the boys and Uncle Si started talking about music and the interview so I went on my favorite app.

Then Uncle Si interrupted me by telling me everything I should and should not do during the interview. We were meeting with Ellen for the interview.

When we got there the people explained to us what was going to happen, I was so excited. Luckily I was only going to be on for a short period of time during the interview. It was a special television show just about One Direction, the rest of the week there would be some about Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran and stuff and the television show basically revolved around them, the only guests were them. I was going to be on for about 5 minutes before we go to commercial.

"And now let's welcome the newest One Direction family member Evangeline." Ellen said.

I walked out and waved then I went to the couch that was full of boys.

"Here love sit here." Liam said getting up and giving me his spot. The entire crowd "awed".

Ellen laughed and joked around that I should lay across all of their laps, everyone laughed for a moment then Ellen continued with the questions.

"So Evangeline. Do you like living with One Direction?"

"Um... Yeah, actually when Liam first adopted me I had no idea who he was or who the rest of the boys were."

"Really? Were all of your friends going crazy while you were confused?"

"Um... Yeah."

"So what have they done for you? Like how has your life changed dramatically?"

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