38- "Hudson, that's Shawn."

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In this house is just a bunch of heart broken fools. Today's Friday. I've done nothing all day. It's three now and Shawn texted me and told me he would pick me up earlier so he could help me get everything to the car. I had to bring all of my makeup, hair supplies and clothing. They made sure I had everything in advance.

I heard a knock at the front door and went to get it but Liam got there before me.
"Dad, who is it?" I yelled.
"She doesn't want or need you here, please leave!" Liam yelled at whoever it is.
I peeked over his shoulder and saw Hudson.
"Ava I saw you. Please just let me talk to you." Hudson begged.
"Hudson I really can't talk right now." I said.
We were all interrupted by the sound of a car pulling up. Great.

I shoved Liam out of the way so we could talk face to face.
"Hudson, that's Shawn. He's here to pick me up for the Grammy's. You need to leave!" I told him firmly.
"Hey, Ava." Shawn greeted from behind Hudson. I smiled at Shawn and moved Hudson aside so Shawn could get in. "Where's your stuff? I'll help you with it." Shawn said.
"Me too!" Hudson jumped toward me and lead the way to my bedroom.
"Who's he?" Shawn asked me quietly.
"He's my ex. Long story, I'll tell you later."

Hudson grabbed the biggest bag, full of flat irons and curling irons and hairspray. Shawn grabbed my box full of makeup so I grabbed the clothes. On my way to Shawn's car I stopped to say bye to Liam.

"Bye dad, make sure you're watching! You have to tell me if I do a good job or not!"
"Okay, Ava. I love you, be safe."
I ran out to the car where I saw Hudson glaring at Shawn as he put everything in the car.
"Thank you Shawn!" I smiled at him. He took the clothes and put them in the trunk as well.
"Hudson, come with me inside. I think left something."

He followed me inside and I closed my bedroom door behind him.
"Hudson!" I yelled.
"What, babe?" He acted like this was a joke!
"Stop! When I open this door you better go home and leave me alone!"
"Babe! Please! I'm sorry, I overreacted. I get jealous easily and you know that! Need I remind you of Gray, and Corey, and now Shawn?!"
"Hudson, I don't have time for this! Just leave." I rolled my eyes and opened my door. We both walked outside. I got in Shawn's car and Hudson watched as we drove away.

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