Chapter 1

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Demi's POV

I quickly ran into hospital hall and went to „changing room", it was a normal room, where were some curtains and lockers so our crew changes into uniforms here. I was already one hour late and I prayed that my boss took a day off. I shook my head, I had a huge hangover and I couldn't focus on anything. My head was about to explode. No more bachelorette parties when I have to come to work a few hours later. I cursed when I realized I forgot my key to changing room. A long moan escaped from my lips. Everything was going so wrong today. Fortunately the doors were open so I came in hoping no one noticed my late arrival.

I took off my shirt and was about to unzip my jeans when I heard somebody coughing behind me. Oh no. I cursed once again and quickly grabbed my uniform to cover myself. I turned around and saw Joe sitting on a desk. My mouth dropped.

- Well, I don't mind getting a striptease but I thought I should inform you that I'm here. – he chuckled and I rolled my eyes. I felt so embarrassed.

- Sorry, I haven't noticed you... - I mumbled and hid behind a curtain so I could change without worrying about him seeing me half naked.

– I can tell, usually I don't get to see you undressing in front of me but it was a nice surprise, you know. – he chuckled again and I just wanted to punch him. Thanks God he couldn't see me at that moment, because my cheeks were all red. My horrible headache didn't want to go away and it made whole situation even worse. I took my casual clothes and wanted to put them into my locker but I didn't have a key once again, I left all of them in my flat. I let out a sigh and Joe looked at me. – I was in hurry and forgot all of my keys – I explained and closed my eyes. I felt so shitty. – You can leave your clothes in my locker – he said, I looked back at him and he handed me his key. I nodded my head and put my stuff into his locker, it was next to mine. He giggled. – What's so funny, Jonas? – I glared at him – You look like a zombie, what were you doing whole night? – he smirked. I punched his arm playfully and sat next to him. – Such a strong zombie – he murmured and I chuckled. - My sister is getting married soon so we had a bachelorette party last night and I'm dying – I moaned and laid my head on his arm. – Aw, poor Demzy, now I know where you got your stripper skills from. – he smirked again and I just ignored him. I was sure he will make fun of me for the rest of the month and I regret waking up today. – Why did you come to work though? Couldn't you take a day off? – he asked and I just shrugged my arms. – Christina's sister is in labour so she agreed to babysit her other kids and I promised her I'd replace her today but I totally forgot about that fucking bachelorette night. – I explained and he nodded. – How about some coffee? Maybe it would help you? – he asked and before I answered he already jumped off the desk and went to coffee machine which was in the other side of hospital. I smiled a bit, he was cute when he cared. A lot of people thought of him as a womanizer but he was a really good person. We've known each other for 3 years now and he is always there for me, although we are so sassy with each other. Christina and Joe are my best friends here and I know I can count on them, they can count on me as well, I guess that's what a friendship is.

After we drank our coffee, it was time to finally start working. I stood up and checked my phone, I had 3 voice mails and all of them were from my ex, Alex.

I thought we were getting serious, I even hoped he would propose to me after 4 years of a fucking relationship but he just cheated on me instead. He didn't even care to explain, now when they kicked him from job he needs someone to be his toy again and pay for him, but I definitely won't be that person.

I put my phone in my pocket.

- Not being rude or something, but if you're replacing Christina you should be on a duty since um – Joe looked at his watch – since one hour – he finished and I just groaned, she didn't tell me she has main duty today. I'm gonna kill her.

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