Chapter 42

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<Joe's POV>

I sat down on the couch, next to Demi's younger sister who was playing with Aiden at that moment. Well, she was taking pictures of him, to be correct. I couldn't help but chuckle, not that I minded it, but it was pretty funny to me that Demi's sisters took more pics of our son during one hour, than we did in a month. And that was an achievement, because Demi's phone storage was already full. Maddie hid her phone when she noticed I was staring and I saw her cheeks flushed. I chuckled and nudged her gently.

– Don't worry, you can take as many pics as you like, I don't mind. Send me them later. I need a new lockscreen anyway. – I smiled at her slightly. I found it funny how shy she was around me.

She nodded and tried to catch AJ's attention but his eyes were already stuck on me. I grinned when his small hands reached out in my direction and picked him up. I took a deep breath feeling strong pain in my chest but it slowly faded away. I planted a sloppy kiss on his stomach making him giggle. I repeated this a few times, then laid him on my chest and made myself more comfortable on the couch. A small yawn escaped from Aiden's mouth so I started rubbing his back gently. It was evening already and although normally he would be still full of energy, today has been a tiring day for him. He got a lot of attention from Demi's relatives and he clearly enjoyed it, but he was still so young and needed way more sleep than us. Demi's granny walked in and smiled at us, her smile was really precious. I spent a few hours there and I already knew why Demi loved her this much. She sat next to us and stared at Aiden who tried so hard to keep his eyes open, so he wouldn't miss anything in the new surroundings, but he was slowly giving in. He yawned once again and I grabbed a blanket which Maddie had on her knees and wrapped it around him. AJ whimpered but I quickly shushed him, gently rocking him in my arms. I planted a soft kiss on his head, too. It felt super awkward though, all the stares in the room were laid on us. I felt somehow proud too, I hoped I made a good impression on Demi's family, but I tried not to show it that much.

– You know... - Demi's grandma started. – I've never even liked Alex. – she stated surprising me. Like, why would she tell me that? I sent her a weak smile, careful not to move much. I didn't want to disturb Aiden's sleep. Before I even tried to ask why, she had a reply ready.

– There was something about him, something that turns you off. When I look at you, all I see is positivity. – she revealed and that was another unexpected information. It was a good surprise, though. I had this warm feeling spreading across my body and I couldn't deny that I felt satisfaction after hearing I was better than Demi's last boyfriend.

– Thank you. – I said lowering my voice. She patted my arm.

– Take care of my baby girl, she deserves to be treated like a princess, after all the hell she's been through. – she said, got up and left me speechless. I guess there were many more things in Demi's past I had no idea of. We actually never talked about it, despite being a couple and having a baby together we had many secrets. You can't even call them secrets, more like things we still needed to learn about each other. I noted it in my mind though, I had to bring it up one time.

Dallas came in with a cup of coffee and laid it on the table in front of me.

– Thanks. – I whispered with a smile. She sent me one back and sat next to Maddie. I saw her taking out her phone out of her pocket and raising her hand. I shook my head when she stood up.

– Smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile. – she whispered and I rolled my eyes playfully. I grinned for the picture though, making her giggle.

– Perfect. – she mumbled with a smirk.

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