Chapter 29

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<Demi's POV>

I was glancing at my phone every minute getting really impatient. And worried. I hoped Skylar would show up and she didn't have any troubles. I didn't care if I would, I just had to do what I thought was right at that moment.

A sigh of relief came out of my mouth when I noticed Sky's silhouette walking into my direction. – You okay? – we both asked in the same time, I couldn't help but chuckle while embracing her. I already felt like her aunt or something, I loved this girl.

We went to the café and I bought an apple pie for both of us, as a lunch. I explained Skylar why I called her and told her about the talk I had with Mark.

Her teachers asked her many questions too but she managed to convince them she is "in good hands".

– I don't want you to have any problems, I'll pack myself and leave today. – she said dead ass serious and I glared at her. I took her tiny hands into mine.

– Sky... you don't have to pack or go anywhere, okay? We just have to.... Like.... Make it more legal. – I sighed. She opened her mouth and closed it looking down.

– Is there something you want to tell me? – I squeezed her hand encouraging her. She nodded her head.

– My mom... I called her and told her about everything what happened, like e v e r y t h i n g. It was two days ago and she started crying and said she is so sorry for being the worst mother ever. Also, that she would take the soonest fly and come to LA to me. She wants to meet with me... tonight. – she whispered and looked at me. I didn't know what to say, I wanted her to have a better life with someone who's gonna take care of her, but I didn't predict she would leave me this soon. Plus, her mother left her with this heartless alcoholic, she left her when Sky needed help, in the darkest time of her life. I didn't trust her, but it kind of seems like she has changed. I don't know.

– Are you mad at me, Demi? – she asked and I quickly shook my head, but stayed silent. I took a sip of my orange juice, then cleared my throat.

– Do you want to meet with her? – I asked focusing on more important things. She nodded her head.

– Okay then. – I gave her reassuring smile. – Invite her to my flat tonight, I'd like to meet her. I won't invade your privacy though, I'm sure there are many things you both have to catch up on. – I said and finished my piece of the apple pie. – Thank you. For everything. – she whispered. I rubbed her hand and squeezed it again. – Anytime, I assume we're besties by this time, you can always count on me. – I grinned trying to decrease the tension and seriousness which were in the air. She giggled a bit and drank her coffee.

I noticed a waiter coming, he took our plates and smiled at me.

Gosh, I blushed, he was really cute so I smiled back. I looked down at Skylar who was glaring at me. – What? – I chuckled. She rolled her eyes. – Turn him down, he looks like a douchebag. Joe is the one for you. – she said and shrugged her arms. I laughed at that, I wasn't even flirting with him!

– Chill girl, I just smiled back! I'd never think of leaving Joe for other guy, duh. – I said, which was 100% true. I knew I loved him.

The waiter came again and Skylar gave him a stern look. I giggled a bit and looked at him. – Do you want to order something else, gorgeous ladies? – he winked at me and damn, I blushed again. – Not really. – I said simply. – We're about to go. – I said and in the corner of my eye I saw Skylar smiling.

– Okay, hope to see you again soon. – he winked at me again and left a napkin on our table. I looked at it, there was a note and a number. My eyes widened a bit, come on I was pregnant! I didn't know guys still could look at me that way.

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