Chapter 23

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<Demi's POV>

I was putting some balsam on my body trying to relax a bit when I heard the doorbell rang. I took my woollen robe and got up to see who's that. It was late evening and I didn't expect any guests. My mood suddenly changed when I noticed Alex staring at my belly in such an irritating way.

– Can I help you somehow? – I asked being ironic. I knew someday he would find out I was pregnant, but I never cared too much to inform him. Even if it was his baby, I wouldn't let him use this little human as an excuse to get into my family. – When did you want to tell me I'm a father? – he asked and without anything else came in to my flat. I gritted my teeth breathing slowly. What a douche.

– You are a father? Oh wow, who should I feel bad for? – I snapped at him, but he didn't look convinced. He just was walking around my flat like it was his or something. – Don't even try, I know it's my baby. – he sounded so sure and confident that I wanted to punch him.

– Oh really? – I furrowed my eyebrows.

– Yeah, I was adding some pills to your coffee, before we had sex, you know. These which make you pregnant easier. You should know what I'm talking about, dr. Lovato. – he smirked at me and my mouth dropped. I wasn't ready for that. – You. Did. What? – I closed my eyes counting to ten in my mind, I put my hands on my belly rubbing it. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing. – Yeah, everything was meant to be perfect, I even made Jonas pissed at you but then that stupid banquet happened and of course your prince charming couldn't not to be there to cheer you up, huh? Anyway, my plan succeeded and you won't get rid of me that easily. – he laughed but I just walked closer to the door and opened them. – I don't care. Even if it was your baby I wouldn't let this poor child be around such a cunt like you. Now get the fuck out. – I smiled at him the same way as at the beginning and I saw him getting up.

– Listen up, do you think I'll give up that fast? After you give birth, we will make paternity tests and we will see each other in court. Don't forget who's the lawyer here, you could have chosen your profession more wisely. – Alex smirked at me once again and I couldn't hold it back anymore. My hand was soon in the air and met with his cheek leaving a red mark.

– Right. I should have been an UFC fighter. – I slammed the door behind him and locked it. I heard him cursing and going downstairs, then I just took a deep breath and slid down the door frame. Tears fell out of my eyes and I felt so naive and hopeless for another time, because of him. I didn't know what pissed me off more – the fact he would fight with me about the baby OR that he was feeding me with pills and I haven't even realized that. What the hell.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and closed my eyes. I panicked even more then but I started breathing slowly and deeply. I eventually got up after five minutes when I finally calmed down, but this experience scared me so much. I needed to be more careful. And maybe I should find someone to kill Alex, that would help a lot too.

I heard a sound of new message and picked up my phone. I noticed it was from an unknown number which made me confused but I forgot about Alex for a while. I unlocked it and I easily guessed who was that message from.

"Demi, please don't let them send me home. Please. I wanna stay there for a weekend at least. Please Demi."

<Skylar's POV>

My hands were shaking as my phone hasn't got any notification for a couple of hours.

She promised. I thought closing my eyes and getting ready for the worst. One of the nurses already told me I got released this afternoon. I knew they would kick me off soon, because my father has called the hospital and told them he won't pick me up and that I should come back myself. It didn't seem like it bothered them though, Demi was the only one who cared. Or at least she was a great actress. She promised she would help me anytime, but she didn't reply to my texts when I really needed her. I was hoping she would let me stay there for one more weekend. Even if people thought I was crazy and I was there completely alone, well only nurses came here with this terrible food and Demi from time to time – it was still way better than being a sleeve in my "own" house.

"Home" should bring good memories, warm feeling, safety, love... It didn't work like that for me unfortunately. My mother left to another state, searching for a new job but it turned out that she accommodated there so well. I knew she was fed up of my problems and this alcoholic, in other words – my father. I didn't blame her. If I had a daughter whose thoughts were focused on suicide and dead – I'd get tired too. Or maybe, I'd try to save her? I don't know, but surely I wouldn't leave here with a monster under one roof. My father was completely hopeless. The love for alcohol consumed him in one hundred percent. He treated me like a toy, I was there to clean and cook only. I don't even remember the last time he said he loved me or that he cared. Instead, I remember every single time he laid a finger on me. He took everything I had from me, literally everything.

You could tell it brought joy to him seeing me in pain. If I killed myself, his biggest problem would be that he would have to pay for the funeral, no lie. What was his life motto? "No troubles." If I caused any, whether it was getting late to school or having an accident like this or even not cooking dinner in time – I'd get punished. How? It is not worth mentioning. I already knew what was coming for me after I come back home.

The sweat covered my body and I got out of my hospital bed. I looked at my phone. Still nothing. I sent another message typing so fast, finishing just in time before my tears made it impossible.

Just kill yourself. I heard and looked around so quickly. There wasn't anyone, it was probably my mind fucking with me.

Although I had a few suicide attempts on my account, I didn't want to this again. Last one was really painful, I've never cried this much in my entire life. And trust me, I had plenty of reasons to do that. But I knew my father would make it more painful when I come back home. This past week was one of the best weeks ever, even if I was in pain – I felt safe and just by simple talk with Demi, life seemed better. Sometimes I wondered if she wasn't a psychologist, to be honest. I was gaining more trust in her, but also I could forget about all worries. I thought she would be the one to help me, but I got my hopes too high. She had her own baby to care about.

I noticed the same nurse glancing over me. I let out a sigh pretending to "clean" there so she wouldn't yell at me. She probably wanted to make my hospital room ready for someone else but she saw I was still there and left. I took a McDonald's bag and threw it to the bin. I smiled slightly as one memory came across my mind.

I was scrolling down my Twitter timeline when I heard somebody knocking on the door. I raised my head feeling anxious. It was probably my time to get fed with these stupid meds. I agreed – they made me a lot of calmer, but also more sleepy and I didn't need them. I didn't feel like I was mentally sick, I just had no other choice... But they didn't understand it. What was even worse? The fact I haven't eaten this disgusting dinner and breakfast. How could I take these tablets with an empty stomach? I doubt they cared though.

My face expression suddenly changed when I saw this bright smile and Demi's silhouette hiding behind the door frame. I sighed with relief and she chuckled a bit. I had to admit, I admired her smile a lot. Even if she was tired or slightly sad – she always could put this honest smile on her face and it was impossible not to smile back. – Guess what I got? – she smirked pulling out a McDonald's bag. I almost squealed with happiness and so did my stomach, because I could hear it growling and I wasn't the only one, I guess. I felt embarrassed but knew Demi wouldn't judge me. – Now, you better eat it all before somebody catches me on feeding you with this shit. – she took one of my fries and went out shaking her head. I smiled.

Did she really like me?

Another tear slipped of my eye as I thought of Demi and that I will never get to see her again. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her. To thank for everything. She didn't have to talk with me, to make sure I ate my meals, to make sure no one hurts me. She basically did more to me in these two weeks than my parents in sixteen years.

I took a deep breath and went to the hospital bathroom. I was already packed and signed out but I couldn't go back there. I looked at my mirror reflection. I didn't even look like a human anymore, I was a wreck. So fragile, so helpless, so lonely, so scared. I already made a decision and I knew this wasn't right. I knew I'd cause even more trouble to more people. My hands were shaking and I was already sweaty, even if I just changed to dry clothes. I was just praying to God that Demi wouldn't be mad. I hoped she would understand.

A normal teenager shouldn't have to do this, shouldn't even think of this. But I wasn't a normal teenager anymore. I couldn't go back him, I couldn't.


Ouch... :( Enjoy!

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