Chapter 31

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<Demi's POV>

I walked into police station feeling nauseous and stressed. I didn't even remember the last time I was there, probably during my college years... I let out a sigh not knowing what to expect there. I rubbed my tired eyes looking around for someone who could explain me this whole situation, but it seemed like no one was here, the silence was quite scary and creepy. I walked in further and I finally heard some voices, deep voices. I thought I recognized one, but I wasn't sure. I took a breath and stepped closer craving some information. I saw two men talking, one of them was intensively gesticulating. They finally noticed me and my eyes widened when I recognized the well-remembered waiter from my favourite café. Oh no.

– Good evening, Ms. Lovato, I'm officer Heche. – the policeman came closer, I shook his hand but my eyes were still laid on the waiter. This time he didn't smile at me, not even once, his face was covered in bruises, his lower lip was cut and he looked furious. I was still confused though.

– I came here to my boyfriend... Where is he? – I asked lowering my voice to avoid an echo spreading around the room making it look even more creepy.

– In his cell. – he led me in other direction making my heart race. Crap. Did he really beat this waiter? How did he find him? What the heck...

I followed Mr. Heche, so did the waiter. My heart broke when I noticed Joe lying on the bed in his cell. He looked so innocent and helpless. He didn't want to look at me though, it made me sigh.

– The case looks like this, Mr. Joseph Jonas under the influence of alcohol has beaten Mr. Adam Lawson, who fought back to defend himself. Mr. Jonas as the reason of his actions told us Lawson didn't act right towards you, Ms. Lovato so he decided that Lawson should pay for it. – Heche explained and I nodded my head. I had to admit, it made me laugh, but I had to act serious at that moment.

- Now, Mr. Adam Lawson deserves compensation, which is around $500. Mr Jonas can either pay for it or we can take the whole case to the court, but I already can guarantee it will cost you way more, Jonas. – the officer continued as Joe kept nodding his head staring down.

– Ms. Lovato, your boyfriend is still under the influence of alcohol, so he should stay at the station for at least twelve hours. But you can also bail him out tonight. – I looked at Joe once again, he turned his head to the other side. I rolled my eyes, he was so childish, I bet it hurt his pride that he had to pay this douche and that I'm the one who decides whether he stays there or not. I laid my eyes on the officer. – I'd suggest not to bail him, he can get abusive towards you as well. – he placed his hand on my shoulder. In the corner of my eye I saw Joe clenched his fist tightly.

– I'm going to bail him out. – I took Heche's hand of my shoulder and smiled at his surprised expression.

I also apologized Adam for everything. Yes, he acted like a douche. But he didn't deserve to get beaten up for leaving his number on a stupid napkin!


I saw Joe gasping for fresh air when we left the station. He still hasn't spoken to me and it started to annoy me. I bailed his ass out!

When we were in front of my car, I turned around so we would face each other. – Don't you think I deserve an explanation? – I asked irritated. He rolled his eyes. – Haven't you heard what he said? – Joe came closer, anger was painted on his face. But this time, I wasn't scared.

– How did you even find him in the middle of the night? – I had to ask about this one, it bothered me from the beginning.

– Why? Do you want his address? – he snapped making me sigh. It's gonna be a long night. He started walking away and my mouth dropped. I was sure he would go back with me to my flat. I ran after him and grabbed his shoulder but he pushed me away. I lost my balance and my ass hit the ground. I arched my back feeling a wave of pain going through my spine. I hissed, feeling tears in my eyes. I wanted to be in my bed already. I was fed up of everything, I started sobbing which finally caught his attention. I wanted to get up but I couldn't do it on my own, I groaned in frustration hitting the pavement with my fist. It only caused more pain though.

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