Chapter 35

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<Nick's POV>


I rubbed my eyes and stood up for the hundredth time moving back and forth through hospital corridor. I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh sitting back on my seat. I saw people staring at me like I was some kind of a freak, but I just couldn't sit in one place knowing my brother is on the operating block fighting for survival.

Before we both started working we had had an awesome friendship, we were inseparable. We were partying together, healing our hangover together, supporting each other.

When I was diagnosed as diabetic, Joe became even more protective of me. I knew I could call him in the middle of the night even when he had a guest in his bedroom.

Of course, I loved my other brothers too, but Kevin, the oldest one was busy living his own life. He loved travelling, learning new things, that's why I didn't have such a strong bond with him. He had a daughter and an amazing wife already, you could say he was the most successful one.

There was also Frankie, but he was only fourteen. Still in school, I tried to support him as much as I could, but I obviously couldn't ask him for an advice, I didn't want to bother him with problems about my job etc.

I glanced over my mother, she was cuddled up to Kevin. I think she already cried all the tears she had out. It was heart-breaking. She really could be annoying at times, but she loved all of us to death. After our father had passed away, our mother became overprotective. But could you blame her that she didn't want to lose her sons?

I raised my head seeing Matt coming into our direction. I stood up again shaking my hand with him, automatically sweating. I was so nervous to hear the bad news.

– Joe is still on the operating block, I'm actually here to inform Demi's family about her state. – Matt said and I nodded my head. My mom looked at him disappointed.

– Why do I feel like you care more about her than my son?! – she exclaimed making me roll my eyes. Matt opened his mouth to say something but I shook my head signalling to him he should stay quiet.

– How is she? – I asked concerned. I knew she was pregnant, she probably lost her child. It will be traumatic experience for her and it might affect her relationship with Joe, which was worrying me. Demi was an awesome woman, the chemistry between her and my brother was really strong. I knew he loved her, I was sure they would end up together.

I think I was the only one except her, who knew Joe couldn't have kids. It really hurt his pride, I was sure he wouldn't cope with Demi's pregnancy, but he did. He was ready to take the responsibility for both of them and that was impressing. Too bad our birth giver didn't get that. She didn't respect Demi at all, she had no idea how deeply, madly in love with her Joseph was.

– Sorry, bro. I can't tell you that since you're not her family member. – Matt scratched his neck and I nodded understanding.

– But she will be okay? – I had to make myself sure. He nodded his head briefly. – I think she should wake up soon, her air bag activated before the crash happened so she doesn't have that many damages. Joe's airbag activated after that car hit them. He has a few ribs broken and he lost a lot of blood. They took him to operating block because pieces of ribs damaged organs. I can't tell you more at the moment. – he patted my back and walked away. I sat again feeling like I was about to throw up. The lack of sleep and nerves had that effect on me. I couldn't think about broken bones and blood, it made me feel weak.

Suddenly the doors to operating block opened.

<Demi's POV>

Beep. Beep. Beep.

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