Chapter 19

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<Demi's POV>

I laid my head back on Joe's chest feeling warm water covering my body. I smiled feeling Joe's lips on my neck enjoying his presence. I closed my eyes trying to chill as much as I could. – Relax, babe. – he whispered trying not to ruin the silence. I smiled a bit and kissed his check pressing my lips here a bit longer than I should. He chuckled and rubbed my chin connecting our lips together, which seemed wonderful to me. Keeping my eyes closed I was moving my lips on his feeling like I was in some kind of a trance. I slightly turned to the right and wrapped my leg around his middle. I could feel the smirk on his lips as I hooked his member with my thigh. – You know Dem, we can be late for that party. – he mumbled laying his hand on my leg and rubbing it as it kept stroking him there. I let out a chuckle shaking my head. – Nah, I don't think so Joseph, that would be rude. – I stated smiling evilly. He furrowed his eyebrows. – Aren't pregnant women supposed to be more horny? That's what I heard. – he moaned bringing me closer to bite my ear. I tried to let go of his grip but he just kept kissing my side. I couldn't help but laugh at him but I wanted to mess with him a little bit more. – You should get pregnant then, that would suit you. – I smiled and climbed out of bath leaving him completely surprised. It took a lot of effort for me to do but I covered myself with a woollen robe and held my head high with a pride. I was half messing with him and half serious. I wasn't in the mood for that, my belly made me feel uncomfortable to be honest.

I wore a black dress and put a woollen cardigan on myself. I was glad I had my hair in a bun so it didn't get wet during a bath. I brushed it and started putting make-up on. In the corner of my eye I noticed Joe drying his hair with a towel. – That was very rude ms. Lovato. – he murmured in my neck pressing his lips on my collarbone.

– Well, I guess you have to search for another pregnant woman who is more horny. – I said continuing putting my mascara on. I could notice how his expression changes in the mirror and I regretted that sentence. I knew it would put tension in the air. He just smiled awkwardly and shook his head.

Joe was a great lover, but I think I let him for too much. He just can't stop kissing me, like some kind of an addict and it annoys me sometimes. Whenever I say no, he thinks I'm just messing with him and he keeps doing what he started. There are days when I'm not in the mood and he should understand that, I'm fucking pregnant, aren't I?

– Don't you think this sweater isn't right for the party though? – he asked me

while shaving and I turned around pretty quick.

– I'm sorry? – I asked slightly shocked. Who the hell he thought he was to tell me what to wear? A sweater?

– Nothing, I just think you would look better in that pink jacket. – he shrugged his arms. I counted to ten in my mind to calm myself a bit and changed it. It looked better, but I didn't feel as comfortable as I would feel in my long cardigan. I put on a necklace I got from my parents on my anniversary with Alex. It brought many memories and thoughts but I tried to get rid of them. I stayed silent, until Joe put his hands on my thighs. – You look pretty good in pink. – he said but I still couldn't stop my annoyance. – It's not pink, it's salmon colour. – I get out of his arms and took my "sweater". – And this is called a fucking cardigan. – I threw it to my wardrobe and smiled ironically. – Are we going or...? – I raised my right eyebrow and put on my heels.

– Sure. – he mumbled.

Whole ride to Matt's place we spent in silence, but I was glad he didn't say a word because it could start fire. On the other hand, his ignorance to my bad moods was even more frustrating. Like he didn't care. At all.

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