Chapter 11

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<Demi's POV>

I was having a lunch with Christina and we were talking about the wedding. I told her Joe was my partner. 

– Did you have sex with him?! – she blurted and I choked on my sandwich. – Don't you have better questions? For example did I have fun or how was Dallas? – I rolled my eyes as she giggled. – Okay, so... how big? – she looked at me and I sent her a confused glare. – Big what? – I asked and when she started moving her eyebrows with a smirk on lips I punched her as she burst out laughing. I felt uncomfortable. – Shut up. – I moaned.

- So, are you guys a thing? – she took a bite of her apple pie. I shook my head. It really bothered me that Joe was still quiet about that topic, about 'us'. I saw him today, he was so busy chatting with Ashley that he totally ignored me, which made me so pissed, it was easy to see there is some chemistry between them. – Well, it's not like I'm surprised. Don't get me wrong, Dem. I can tell you guys want each other, but Joe isn't a relationship type. Are you sure it's good? – she said and my mind filled with questions.

I shut the door with a bang and Joe furrowed his eyebrows, shit. I thought there is no one here. – What? – I asked and rolled my eyes. – Moody day? – he asked and it totally flustered me. I wasn't the one who's moody. – Whatever. – I hid behind a curtain and changed my clothes. – What did I do then? – Joe kept asking and I glanced at him holding myself not to make a fight. – Nothing, and maybe that's the problem. – I said and picked my stuff. He grabbed my arm when I wanted to go out. – Listen... the fact we went to wedding as partners, doesn't mean we're them in real life. – he revealed and my jaw dropped. I thought there was something more than sex. I knew we weren't a couple, I didn't want to get married with him or whatever but he could tell me this other way. He basically made me look like a stupid teenager who fell in love with some badass boy. I looked at him with this ironic smile. – I forgot people fuck each other every day without being in a relationship, sorry. My bad. – I shook my head.

– Demi, you're an amazing woman. I just don't do the relationships thing. I have to be honest with you and I think you shouldn't get bothered about it. You know me well. I'm sure there will be someone who.. – I cut him off rolling my eyes.

– Just shut up. – he looked at me surprised. – Why are you even mad? – he asked and I snorted. I couldn't believe he really asked that. – I don't know, I guess it's my fault that I thought you can put into this something more than your dick, at least for once. But I'm not gonna be your sex doll, I hope it's clear now. Let's forget about everything. – I said and walked out saving remains of my pride.

Deep down, my heart got broken, but I couldn't feel it, because anger didn't let me for that. He wasn't the person I thought he was.


I walked into my flat and something wasn't right. I felt smell of food. And there was a light in my dinning room. I took a deep breath as my heart raced. I stepped back slowly but then I heard a familar voice calling me. I let out a sigh of relief, but it was another reason to piss me off. – What are you doing here? – I walked in determinated to kick his ass off my flat, but I stopped as my jaw dropped for the second time this day. I noticed petals of roses everywhere and the light I saw before came from candles, they smelled so good. There was a supper ready on the table, it kinda made me weak. No one has ever did something like that for me.

I was really confused. – I still had your keys, so.. that's why I'm here. I will give them right back. And there is a lot of explaining I need to do as well. I know you probably hate me but I want to make everything clear, can I? – he asked and I nodded cracking a smile when he gave me a big bunch of red roses. – I'm really sorry for everything... - he came closer taking my hand making me look him in the eyes. – I know, I fucked up. Just so you know, I haven't had sex with Roxanne. I would never do that to you, she just attacked me with kisses, I don't even know why, she told me she was always jealous of us. But I swear it was just kissing, I can't pretend I didn't do it, but it was one of my biggest mistakes. The biggest one was letting you go and treating you wrong. I was so jealous that someone has already taken my place, I didn't control my words. I acted like some stupid kiddo and I apologize for that. You were... you are the most important person in my life, Demetria. I love you. – Alex finished and I got teary. It was too much to handle for one day. – You never even talked about our future together... – I started and he smiled a bit. – You know what's the most fucked up thing there? – he asked and I shook my head processing his words. – That I bought you a ring a week before that shit happened. – he looked down. I covered my mouth. – I was just waiting for the right moment, because you were always busy or tired after work. – Alex said and I felt really bad. I blamed everything on him, not even noticing I haven't paid enough attention to our relationship. I didn't know what to say. He took a small box out of his pocket and a tear went down my cheek. – Heey, it's okay. – he wiped it with his thumb chuckling. I felt really weird. And nervous. – Here. – he put the ring on my finger. It was so beautiful, there were a lot of little diamonds around bigger one and it took my breath away. – I bought it for the woman I love. I want her to keep this, you don't have to though. But it's your choice, I'm not taking this ring back. – he took my hand and kissed my knuckles. – If you ever wanted to come back to me, I promise I will do this more professional. For now, I just want you to try to forgive me. Can you? – he asked and I smiled. Was this a moment I have waited four years for?

– I'm gonna try. – I hugged him tight, I felt really special. Even if I hated Alex an hour ago, now I felt way better about him. It's unbelievable what he did. I wish he did that some months ago, but I wanted us to be good, I wasn't sure if I could trust him again though. But I could forgive.

<Joe's POV>

I was mad at myself that I ended things with Demi this way. I could ask her out and tell her I can't keep a relationship, but she would also freak out. My biggest problem was that lately I really felt something stronger to her. And I know she had feelings too, which was going straight to only one direction. If we created somehow a relationship, I'd have to lie to her, or like I rather to think have some secrets and keep them away from Demi. She would find out sooner or later probably and freak out as well. She deserves someone way better than me, but I didn't want to lose her completely. I acted like a jerk.

I didn't even know how, but I was standing in front of Demi's flat one hour later. It felt so awkward now but I knocked, hoping she would listen to me.

I was about to start my „speech" when my jaw dropped.

Her ex was standing there. He only had a towel around his hips and he was all wet. – What the... - I started and my blood boiled.

– Demi is taking a shower now... Actually I just popped out and I'm super cold so if you can – please hurry up, because I wanna come back, I need some warm water, can I help you with something? – he laughed and I had to hold myself not to punch this bitch. I just shook my head and quickly ran downstairs.

Did she really just?

I couldn't believe that. I was so frustrated, I kicked some trash bin nearby breaking it. She wasn't the person I thought she was.


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