Chapter 13

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<Joe's POV>

Even if I was good with Demi now, we weren't as close as we used to be. Demi became very sensitive and her hormones went crazy, she was so moody. It's hard to guess if she's in a good mood or bad one so I stay quiet until she asks me for something. I don't need any more fights. Yesterday she was really emotional, I could tell she was getting butt hurt for every single word towards her. When I asked if she needed a talk, she glared at me saying she isn't crazy. I felt helpless in that situation, I just hoped she'd act 'normal' soon.

But then, when she calmed her emotions, she was treating me like shit for the rest of the day, I was fed up of her. She was acting like a fucking princess.

- Did you guys fight? She is so pissed these days. - Christina sat near me in the canteen.

- Why the hell I always have to be the reason of her bad moods? - I rolled my eyes.

- Okay, okay! I'm just asking. - she shrugged her arms looking up as Demi came in.

- Moody princess is coming. - I said quietly, but loud enough for her to hear.

- Have you said something? - she glanced at me with that bitchy face.

- Good. - she added when I didn't reply not wanting to start a fight. She would start it herself. I sent her a fake smile, as she squinted her eyes.

- Listen up you... - Demi started, but then she closed her mouth catching Christina's arm. A few seconds later her body hit the floor with a bang. Everyone around us gasped and Christina let out a loud scream.

- Demi, wake up! - I patted her cheeks. She was really pale but I could feel her heartbeat, which was really weak. My own heart was racing so fast, all of sudden these years of practice meant nothing. I had no idea what to do, she looked so fragile. I carried her to the nearest room and laid her on the couch.

- Demi... Come on... - I kept shaking her but still nothing. - Somebody bring me a glass of water. - I demanded, realizing she's been unconscious for too long. I sparkled some water on her face and rubbed her cheek while she was slowly opening her eyes. The light hit them, so Demi snuggled her head into my arm. - What's going on and why is everyone staring at me? - she mumbled and I chuckled slightly. - You fainted, girl. - Christina put a sweatshirt on Demi sitting next to us. - And Joe carried you in his arms, like a prince! - I rolled my eyes but a smile appeared on my face when Demi giggled. - I'll take your blood now, to run some tests, okay? - I asked but she shook her head. I furrowed my eyebrows. - I'm fine, Joe. I don't need it. - she urged. - Demi... - I started but she kept saying it's not a big deal.

- It is a big deal, you were unconscious for a while. We need to know the reason and check if your brain is okay. - I squeezed her hand and she sat up. - Can't we skip blood tests? - she asked with those puppy eyes and I let out a chuckle shaking my head. She acted like a little girl. - Don't be silly, Dem. There is nothing to be afraid of. Come on. - I helped her stand up and we went to the room 392 to check Demi's blood. I could tell she was nervous, which was weird to me. I mean, she is a doctor.

She does these tests herself! At least she stopped being bitchy to me.

- Calm down, we will start of checking your brain, because you're too nervous to give positive results from electrocardiogram. Lay down. - I said as she took a deep breath.

- I don't see there anything wrong. - I stated an hour later. - Heartbeat is stable, so are your brainwaves. Now we only have to run blood tests, come one. - I smiled trying to encourage her. I disinfected her arm and she closed her eyes as I stuck a syringe needle in it. Demi gulped and I shushed her. I pulled it out some seconds later and now I could send it to the lab.

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