Chapter 21

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<Demi's POV>

- Attention! ER. Room 234. Car/train crash. Two unconscious people around 20. He's got broken ribs which cause bleeding.

- Attention! ER. Room 321. Suicide attempt. 16 years old. Deep cuts on wrists, she is still bleeding.

I threw all the files away and ran out of my office. I sped up in the main hall avoiding all the obstacles on my way, trying to get as soon as possible to the room 234. I was about to walk in when I felt strong arms pulling me away. I looked up and furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Mark holding me.

– What are you doing? I need to.. – I started but he cut me off fast.

– No, Demi. You're going to the room 321 to help this girl, I decided not to let you in to the operating block until you give birth. This is too dangerous and I won't risk your baby's life. – he said and I opened my mouth. Was it a joke? I was a professional surgeon and he sent me to stop some girl's bleeding? For real?

– But Mark, I wear a mask and I'm alwa—

– No, Demi. I'm the boss here and you're doing what I'm telling you to do. Go. – he demanded and I nodded my head walking away. I kicked some trash bin by the way and gritted my teeth. I couldn't stand people there, ugh.

I walked into room 321 and I saw how young paramedics struggle with this teenager. She was kicking them and yelling some words I have never used by myself. I took a needle and came from behind sticking it into her left arm. She pushed me away automatically but I covered my belly just in time. Who would know that this girl could cause more harm to me than some shit bacteria?

She got relaxed soon and lied down calmly. I couldn't figure out anything from her face expression. Scared? Terrified? Mad? Furious? Calm? Empty?

– Do you have any information about her? – I walked away with Chris, one of paramedics. He was the leader of the group and clearly knew what to do in any situation, I trusted him and we were really good acquaintances. He nodded his head as his deep brown eyes followed some notes in a blue notebook.

– Skylar. 16. Found in her bathroom , her boyfriend called for an ambulance. Her father was just sitting in other room drinking alcohol while we carried her, so... I guess it says much. – he gave me a look and I nodded my head, then shook it. He chuckled at me and I pushed him playfully. Chris smirked and walked away and I put my sight on Skylar. She looked skinny and her face was pale. It wasn't showing any emotion which bothered me a lot. Normally people who tried to kill themselves are either scared or annoyed. But she was... different. – Can you stop staring? – she snapped glancing over me and I woke up from my thoughts realizing how creepy it must have looked.

– Sorry... - I mumbled and sat near her but in safe distance. Not like she could do much to me, she was tied up to the bed she was lying in, but it also didn't seem to bother her.

– Why? – I asked this one question, which sounded so simple, yet it was probably the most difficult to answer.

– Do you care? – Skylar opened these big blue eyes and her sight got stuck in the one point on the ceiling. Those eyes could tell you everything, they were so beautiful, yet so sad. Her question surprised me a lot to be honest, but I was still learning how to cope with that kind of people.

– I do. – I replied being confident of my words.

– Bullshit. – she rolled her eyes and closed them again.

– What makes you think like I don't? – I asked and leaned in.

– My own parents don't, why would YOU care then? Take my blood, send me to the house for crazy weirdos, whatever. Leave me alone. – she said making me frown. I could already tell her life was a living hell, but I couldn't call her crazy. She was just lost and miserable.

– I don't care about your parents and I'm not sending you anywhere. I do care about YOU though and I'm going to help you. – I replied. Our glances met and I cracked a small smile. I untied all the belts around her fragile body. Skylar took a deep breath. – I don't wanna go back. – she muttered and caught my hand squeezing it a bit. I looked her in the eyes.

– Did somebody hurt you in any way? – I asked and sat on her bed. Skylar nodded her head.

– I don't want to talk about it. – she quickly responded and I completely understood her. I nodded my head showing her I wouldn't push her into anything she wasn't ready to tell. I needed to know something.

– One question, okay? Was it something sexual? I have to check up on you. – I said squeezing her hand. She shook her head tears covering her cheeks. My heart got broken as I watched her sobbing quietly, she didn't deserve it.

– Be honest with me. I promise I will be the only one who is going to take care of you, you don't have to be scared. Okay? I will keep everything between you and me. – I rubbed her cheek and wiped away her tears. – You promise? – she asked with a crack in her voice. – I promise. – I whispered.

<Joe's POV>

I threw my keys on the table and fell on my bed feeling exhausted. I really was. I had to work more hours than I did in LA, since there were more accidents in New York City and ER was always full. I rubbed my eyes forcing myself to get up. I went to the bathroom and took my clothes off. I smiled a bit when warm drops of water hit my body, it felt so relaxing.

I groaned when I saw my mirror reflection rubbing my prickly chin, I definitely needed a shave but I was too tired for that. I dried my body and hopped in my comfortable bed. I grabbed my phone and asked Demi to FaceTime. I was tired as hell but I wanted to talk with her for a bit. The view I got made me forget about my tiredness. My eyes widened a bit when I saw Demi sitting naked in the bathtub.

– Damn... - I mumbled and she sent me a huge grin.

– You okay there? – she asked with raised eyebrow and I nodded but wasn't completely sure about that.

– Yeah, sorry. I haven't expected to see you naked. – I rubbed my eyes which were following her every move.

– I'm not naked, I'm fully covered! – she exclaimed but I shook my head. She was still naked under the bubbles and water. – Not my fault, your imagination is nasty. – she stuck out her tongue. I rolled my eyes grinning.

Not mine neither.

– How are you feeling today? – I asked changing this uncomfortable topic but my eyes were still lied on her.

– I'm fine, came back not long ago. – she said and I let out a sigh. – Why this late? – I furrowed my eyebrows remembering she promised she wouldn't overwork herself.

– I met this girl today, she tried to commit suicide and I really want to help her. – she looked very motivated, I smiled a bit. I loved how much heart she put into her job.

– But be careful, are you sure she can't hurt you? – I couldn't help but worry. When I worked there I always kept an eye on Demi, now I can't. I saw she rolled her eyes and I chuckled, that was predictable.

– That's cute Joseph, but I'm not five, I can handle it. Can you imagine that Mark didn't allow me to work on the operating block? – she pouted and I shook my head.

– I wouldn't allow you either. – I mumbled hoping she hasn't heard that but of course she has. Her eyebrows raised.

– Dem, you know how easy it is to catch an infection or something there, why would you risk your baby's health? - I asked fighting with a yawn.

– Maybe you are right. – she grumbled and I nodded my head.

– I always am. – I smirked moving eyebrows and she laughed at me, I soon joined her.

– Okay Joseph, I need to wash my hair so I'm gonna lay you down here. – she joked and soon all I saw was black screen.

– You put me wrong way though, I'm missing the best view! – I groaned making her giggle. – You're so dumb. – she responded and then all I heard was pouring water. I don't even remember much more because my eyes closed as I stopped fighting with Morpheus. 

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