Chapter 41

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<Joe's POV>

I carefully closed the door, not wanting to wake Demi or Aiden up. I took my shoes off and went to the bathroom. After I had taken my phone out of my pocket, I threw my clothes to the washing machine. I washed my teeth quickly and went upstairs. I looked at my phone screen.

3:16 am.

Great, I promised Demi I'd be back before midnight, because we are going to her parents the following day. But, I just lost the track of time, I hadn't seen my pals in so long, I couldn't just leave when the party was starting.

It wasn't even a party to be honest, we were just watching a football game and chatting while drinking some beer.

I hoped Demi had been fast asleep already, she usually goes to bed around ten or eleven, so I prayed she didn't change her routine tonight. I opened the bedroom door, sighing out with a relief when I saw the lights were turned off. I tiptoed to bed and laid down holding a breath. I covered myself with a duvet and smiled with satisfaction. I closed my eyes, my grin growing.

– If you think you will get away with this, you're wrong. – I jumped on the bed, hearing the voice I hoped to avoid, all out of sudden. I groaned.

I was screwed.

I tried to cuddle to her side.

– I'm so sorry. – I mumbled into her neck trying to wrap my arm around her but Demi pushed me away. I sighed turning to the other side and hugged my pillow. I was so tired, I hoped she would forget about it in the morning.


Aiden's crying woke me up around six, I moaned. Why did he hate me this much? I was about to get up when I saw Demi already had.

– Go back to sleep, I don't want my child to know the smell of alcohol already. – she glared at me and went out. I ran my fingers through my hair and closed my eyes. She was exaggerating as always, but I decided to get up too and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower. I hoped it would freshen me up a bit. I was more tired, than drunk.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea though, because I felt like I was frozen. The last thing I needed was to catch a cold, Demi would kill me. I shaved myself all clear and dried my hair. When I came back to the bedroom Demi was changing so I had a really nice view in front of me. Too bad she was still pissed at me.

– Stop staring, I wanted to change. – she snapped turning around and covering herself with a robe. I sighed coming closer.

– I'm so cold. – I mumbled shivering. Demi shrugged her arms only.

– You deserved it. – she said but I saw she was glancing over me. I knew her overprotective side would win no matter how mad she was. I laid on the bed behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist cuddling to her back.

– I'm really sorry, I drank only a few beers, I swear. I got carried away and lost track of time. I'm all good, by the time we arrive at your parents' house I will be one hundred percent sober, okay? – I kissed her bare shoulder. She didn't say a word, but I saw the goosebumps covering her skin. I smirked and pulled her close.

– Come here, I'm so cold. Warm me up a bit. – I laid us on the bed and cuddled to her chest. She eventually gave in and brought me closer.

– I love you. – I pressed my lips on hers a little bit longer than she expected. I played with her robe belt, sliding one hand under her butt cheek. I squeezed it gently.

– Are you sure you don't wanna stay home? – I mumbled and bent down to kiss her thigh. She shook her head kicking me playfully.

– Move your butt, we gotta dress up. – she said getting up and I rolled my eyes.

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