Chapter 24

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<Demi's POV>

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. I was so tired and I didn't know how much I could handle yet. Skylar's message worried me a bit, because she sounded hysteric and I knew I wasn't there for her when she needed some support. It didn't surprise me at all though, I wouldn't want to come back to the home like hers neither. I was typing a message when I heard a doorbell rang.

I rolled my eyes focusing on my phone screen. I was done with Alex's disgusting personality and didn't want to talk with him, until I really had to. If he thought I would let him take my baby away – he was wrong. Definitely wrong.

The doorbell wouldn't stop annoying me though and it became really difficult for me to control my nerves. I found Alex's number in contacts and dialled it.

– I'm calling the cops if you don't leave me alone. – I breathed before he had a chance to say any word. That was enough. – What the hell are you talking about? You just woke me up and you try to scare me with cops? Are you high? – he asked clearly confused and my eyes widened a bit as I sat up straight. He wasn't lying because his voice sounded raspy, he probably was mad as heck at me. - Sorry. – I mumbled and hung up feeling embarrassed.

My heart started racing faster as I thought who could it be. I decided to get up and check eventually, but ringing stopped for a while so I didn't expect to see there anyone at that moment. I slowly made my way to the door and as quiet as I could I looked at the viewfinder. I haven't seen anyone so it calmed me down a little. I mean, what if it was a serial killer or something? You never know. In the corner of my eye I saw a black bag which looked familiar. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the door slightly. I had to suppress the scream when I noticed a body laying down next to my door. I quickly recognized Skylar and my heart almost broke. She looked so pale, curled up to one side. It was really cold this night and she didn't have much to wear. Oh my Gosh.

– Sky, wake up! – I shook her fragile body a bit and she jumped quickly pushing me away, clearly scared. Her face expression softened when she recognized me though. I helped her to stand up and let her in. Then I locked the door and led her to my living room. I told her to lay down on the couch and I put a blanket over her making sure she gets warm. I sent her a worried look, I've got so many questions to ask her but I didn't want to throw it all at her once. I went to the kitchen to make her a hot tea, but she followed me right after.

– Demi, don't be mad at me, please. – she mumbled and my heart melted a bit. How could I be mad at her? I pulled her into a hug and rubbed gently her back. – I'm so sorry I didn't let you in, I thought it was someone else. Go and rest in my bedroom, okay? – I asked but Skylar shook her head. – Demi you wasn't replying and I couldn't go back home... - she started talking fast but I shushed her. I knew she didn't want to bother me but at that moment I was alone, starting second trimester of pregnancy, I needed some company. I was glad she came to me, although it wasn't completely legal but I didn't want her to suffer with her father.

– You can stay here as long as you want, okay? – I sent her a smile and her eyes filled with tears. – I don't even know how to thank you, I have nothing... – she whispered and it made me feel so bad inside. I wanted a better life for her, I really did. I hugged her.

– It's okay, I needed some company anyway. But your father should know about it. – I said making her sigh.

– Trust me, he doesn't care. He is too drunk to think about me. He only notices me when I'm around. – I rolled my eyes, it was typical and I really hated this man. What a creature. I knew I had to do anything for Skylar to stay away from him.

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