Chapter 22

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<Demi's POV>

I let out a loud groan feeling strong pain in my back. It started to bother me lately quite a lot. I opened my eyes and sighed when sun rays hit my face. I have already woken up at 4 and at 5. I guess it's a sign I should get up finally, because sleep wasn't meant for me. For us.

I knew I needed to apply a lot of make up today to cover the bags under my eyes and my pale skin colour. I didn't want Mark to send me home again and I looked kinda scary. No wonder, when my companion decided to ruin my whole night. What's more scary is that I swear to God I could feel my baby moving this night, which was insane. I was in first trimester, starting second, it would be rare for a baby to move this early. That feeling was probably caused by my backache which tried to kill me this night. Or maybe I carry a superman's baby? I laughed to myself at that thought. Leak of sleep was clearly visible there. Alex as the superman? Next joke, please.

I walked past the mirror not even looking at my reflection and I dressed up. As much as I gained feelings for my baby – my body shape disappeared almost completely, which was depressing. I gained a lot, I look like I would carry twins, when I'm not. It sucks pretty much. I always imagined my first baby being so tiny and it seems to be so big already at 3rd/4th month. Oh.

I walked in to my job greeting everyone with a smile, my mood wasn't this bad today. Mostly because I wanted to help this girl I met lately. Skylar. Not really popular name, for such a strong young woman. I figured out she was probably raped or harmed sexually. I couldn't let her go back home and I didn't want to. I promised her, I'd be the only one to know about it but it was my obligation to inform social care about it. I felt really sorry for her. I remember when I was around her age, my friend's father touched me every time I came to visit her and it was a traumatic experience. He would repeat it's nothing bad and that it's my fault, because I was wearing too short dress, etc. Once he went too far and I told my mom about it, he got arrested only for one month.

One of the biggest problems of our society is that things like these are being ignored. If she doesn't want to tell who hurt her – it's her thing. No one cares. No one even tries to find out what happened and to help girl out, so she doesn't have to suffer anymore. I'm that type of person who tries to do everything to help their patient. I was chosen to be a specialist here for a reason. Not just to earn money or do surgeries. To heal not only bodies, but lives. That was my goal since childhood.

– How are you feeling today? – I asked Skylar sending her a warm smile. I sat on her bed and looked at her. She mumbled something sounding like "whatevs" to me and rolled her eyes. I let out a sigh.

– Don't you think you should be more...

– No. – she cut me off pretty fast and I nodded my head standing up to see her results. Everything seemed to come back to normal, she wasn't this pale anymore or weak. Her attitude hasn't changed though, it became even worse over the weekend but I tried to understand that. Her womanhood wasn't healed yet, but I predicted that she would be released home next week. Or even sooner.

- You said you will be the only one to look after me. You are a liar, just like everyone here. – she snapped at me when I was about to leave. I turned around looking at her confused. – Listen up, missy. I promised some things are between us and that I won't let anyone touch you here except for me. But I'm a human too, I can't spend my whole time in that place. It's not that hard to notice that I'm pregnant and I have to take care of that baby firstly and as a pregnant woman I deserve at least a bit of respect. I thought you'd understand that, but I guess I judged you too fast. – I said shaking my head with disappointment. Our eyes met and I saw her face expression softening. Skylar put her head down and I felt bad a bit, I probably messed our relations but I wasn't a machine, I couldn't work 24/7.

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