Chapter 46

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<Joe's POV>

I let out a shaky breath and took my latex gloves off. I wiped my sweaty forehead and started washing my hands when I heard the doors opening and I could feel Mark's hand on my shoulder.

– How you doing, son? – he asked making me raise my head. He was only a few inches away from me that I could count all the wrinkles on his forehead, the concern painted on his face.

I came back to work a few weeks ago and today was the day when I got to do my first serious surgery in a long time. I didn't even know why, but the amount of time I spent off work made me feel insecure about what I was doing. For the first minute of the operation my hands were shaky, I was sweating and I couldn't focus on anything. Then, I realized that it wasn't even about me, it was about someone's else life and I had to keep my shit together. After I had finished it, I felt like a huge stone fell off my chest. Such a relief.

- Way better. – I admitted letting a breathless laugh out. He shook his head at me.

– What happened? I heard you looked like you've seen a ghost. – Mark joked but I knew he cared about me. I treated him like my real father, so did Demi and everyone else, we were like one big family.

– Yeah, not going to lie. I got paralyzed and lost faith in my abilities. – I sighed wiping my hands off.

– It won't happen again, I promise. – I added quickly seeing he was analysing my words. I spent three months home looking after my son and even if I somehow settled down as a father and boyfriend, I missed my job and being around people. So I came back to our hospital and Demi stayed home with Aiden. It was the best option since he was only five months old and he was still breastfed by Demi. Besides, I felt responsible for the both of them so I couldn't sit on my ass anymore.

- Joe, with all these years of experience you have it shouldn't be a problem to you to cut out a small tumour, but I understand you. Go home earlier today, you've had a tiring shift... We will be fine. – he patted my back and left the bathroom.

I splashed some water in my face to freshen my mind and did what he told me to. I was too stressed. I've had enough.


I opened the door to the flat I shared with Demi and threw my bag in the corner. It was a little bit cold and snowy outside so the warm feeling spread quickly around my body and I finally felt relaxed. I was home.

- Demi? – I called out walking further inside and she soon approached me looking blankly at my hands, confusion on her face.

– You were supposed to do the shopping and buy the gel for Aiden. – she said clearly angry and furrowed her eyebrows. Crap.

I cursed out loud falling on the chair in the kitchen.

– Sorry. – I mumbled hiding my face in my hands. I was exhausted. I have been working for past six days straight for ten hours. Demi rolled her eyes.

– Skylar is coming for the weekend and we have nothing in the fridge, I texted you twice. – she said trying to lower her voice as much as she could but I felt the argument coming. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

– I'm sorry I had no time to eat anything today, not to mention checking my phone. I'll do the shopping in the morning, okay? – I got up walking closer to her.

– No, Joe. Aiden needs his gums gel, otherwise he will spend whole night on crying and I'm tired of staying up all night while you "are getting the rest you need". – she snapped making me sigh. She wasn't fair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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