Chapter 3

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<Demi's POV>

I was getting ready for a charity party we were organising every year. It took place near our hospital but everyone was invited. Of course our cast mainly had to be here to control everything. There were some bands performing but then it was slowly turning into club party and all the money from tickets/snacks etc. were for our hospital so we could get better equipment and help even more people which was amazing. There was always so much fun at these parties but Alex didn't let me go last year, because he was jealous. I shook my head. I couldn't believe I let him control my life and I didn't know anything about his. Relationship goals, huh. I rolled my eyes. I had to make it up now. I had no idea what to wear though, so I texted Christina.

My phone buzzed and I saw

„Wear something hot to kill Jonas"

I chuckled.

Since I told her we almost kissed she is acting crazy and winks at me whenever Joe is nearby. I was kinda disappointed it didn't happen but on the other hand I knew it was probably for the best. That kiss could mess a lot between us and none of us wanted a stable relationship. He didn't want one for sure and made it clear.

I looked at the mirror, I was only wearing my thongs and I felt proud of myself. I have been working out a lot lately and I could see the results. My abs looked great and I lost some pounds. Most of my clothes were „baggy" now and I was feeling good in my body. I used to have problem with that. In high school you look up to all of these skinny girls and think guys will like you only when you look like one of them. When you go to college, studies, live in dormitory with others, start partying – you realize real men like those curves. A lot. When you finally grow up – you know the most important thing is looking good for yourself, not anyone else. I'm on that stage and I'm really healthy and happy.

I took a black dress from my wardrobe and wore it. It has a big cleavage so I didn't wear a bra. The dress wasn't too long, above my knees. I put my highest heels on and I could say I looked fine. I took my keys and left.


- DAMN, LOVATO! – Christina looked at me and clapped her hands. I threw my head back laughing. Matt, who was Joe's best friend and worked as surgeon in our hospital, whistled and I felt like most of our crew was staring at me. They probably have never seen me like that and it was awkward, but really nice at the same time. – I told you to kill Jonas, not all guys in that club! You could leave someone for me! – Christina said and squeezed my butt. I could say she was already drunk. I shook my head and went closer to the stage. Last guest was performing and I noticed Joe. He was sitting in a bar near the stage and glancing at me. He smirked as I came closer to him and started moving his eyebrows. I punched his arm playfully.

– Wow. – he said taking a sip of his beer. – What? – I asked and sat next to him. – Hot – he winked at me and I blushed. Thanks God it was dark already so he couldn't notice my red cheeks. – Thanks, not so bad yourself. – I replied and glanced over a barman who couldn't stop staring at my boobs. Joe rolled his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows. – How can I help you, beautiful? – that barman leaned to me and I felt like throwing up. – I looked at him and leaned closer. – Stop staring or you might lose some part of your body. – I smiled in the most innocent way I could. He jumped off and went away quickly and I heard Joe chuckling. He grabbed my hand. – Wanna dance, you badass? – he smirked and I nodded glaring at that dude. – He was fucking staring I should slap him, he is just lucky I'm in a good mood. – I said and put my hands on his shoulders as he put his on my waist. – I know, asshole. – he rolled his eyes but gave me a smile. – Why smiling? – I asked and leaned so there wasn't any space left between our bodies and really enjoyed that position. He probably did too, because I saw him gasping. – No reason. – he simply replied and wide smile appeared on his face. I giggled and we both were just dancing with goofy smiles as our faces started to lean. I bit my lip as he pressed his lips onto mine. Oh God. I closed my eyes and he deepened the kiss. I tried to say something but when I opened my mouth to speak he used that fact and slid his tongue into my mouth. I moaned and he squeezed me like he wanted to show me he definitely won't let me go now.

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