Chapter 10

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<Joe's POV>

I knocked to Demi's door and checked my phone to make sure I wasn't late. She asked me to come earlier, because as a maid of honour she had to be in church before the wedding starts. I felt a little bit weird, I didn't know anyone there except Demi. I wasn't nervous, it was just awkward. But I decided to have some fun, I basically spent whole week in my flat, I didn't want to be around people. I was talking with Demi though she didn't have too much time. Actually we saw each other five days ago and I missed her a bit, but some loneliness was needed. I had to clean my mind.

- „Come in! It's open!" - I heard her yelling and smiled a bit. I bet she wasn't ready yet, she was always so messy and clumsy.

I walked in and my eyes widened. Demi was standing half-naked in front of the mirror in living room and probably putting her make up on, I guess. She looked so focused, she seemed not to notice my presence. This is not what I expected to see.

I came closer to her from behind and wrapped my arms around her. I put my lips on her neck feeling these electric chills. I had no idea if they were on my body or hers though. I hated the fact she was wearing some white thongs and simply standing in front of me not giving a shit when it was so hard for me to control myself.  - Give me five minutes. - She said and ran to bathroom closing the door. I shook my head chuckling. Typical woman. At least I could calm myself after she got me heated in that suit.

I let out a sigh when twenty minutes later I finally heard Demi going out from the bathroom. I stood up and quickly sat down taking my sigh back.

She twirled around and giggled at my reaction. - You look so... breath taking. - I blurted being honest. I'm not used to glam Demi, she never cared about her clothing or much make up, it's a rare thing so I feel even more honoured to be her partner. For the wedding. She was wearing a (not too long) creamy dress. - Thank you. - she pecked my lips. I pulled her closer and moaned. - I missed that too. - Demi giggled and made me stand up. -  Here. - she put a tie around my neck. It was same colour as her dress. - We're matching. - she grinned. - We have to hurry now, but first we need a photo. - she said and I furrowed my eyebrows. - Oh, come here. - she pulled me to stand next to her in front of the mirror and took a photo. A few actually. - Kiss me. - she demanded and I laughed. Aren't we too old for that? Before I moved she connected our lips and took another photos. - Don't we look great? Oh yeah, we do. - She smirked and we went out. My sillyhead.

<Demi's POV>

The ceremony was beautiful, I got teary like three times, not even mentioning my mom. Even my father got emotional. His first daughter was leaving his overprotective arms. It was hard to believe it. I remember when we played in our garden and pretended to be princesses. We had our fictional husbands and everything was perfect. Now one of us' dream came true. Not mine unfortunately.

Although I was happy for Dallas, I felt a bit jealous. She has known Mark for ages, they were always best friends and it all turned like a real fairytale.  I didn't have any luck in that whole love thing and it became depressing. I bit my lip looking at Joseph, he looked really handsome. I wish I could call him mine, but he wasn't. He wouldn't even bring that topic on. I was always claiming I don't want a „fuck buddies relationship" but wasn't it what we became?

We needed to talk about it, not today but someday definitely.

It was time for taking photos, first all bridesmaids with Dallas.

- Okay, now it's time for Best Man and Maid Of Honour. Stand here, please. - a photographer said and I glared at my sister, what the heck.  I didn't want to be next to him, I couldn't even look at him. He came with Roxanne. A woman who used to be my „friend" and one who I caught Alex with. I felt disgusted.

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