Chapter 17

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<Joe's POV>

I was washing my hands with disinfection gel carefully. I just finished my first surgery in St. Cross hospital in NYC and I could tell I was proud of myself. I had to remove a tumor which grew in a young girl's head. I made it quick not wanting her to suffer, along with her worried family. Sometimes cutting it off may solve whole problem, when you find it at the beginning. But people very often ignore all the headaches, they claim they don't have time for this, but I know examples where a few days can make a HUGE difference.

Her name is Jessica, she is 17. She would complain about terrible headache and nausea, so her parents made her go for a check up. Her whole family was in shock when they found out it was a tumor. Thankfully it wasn't this serious and I completely removed it. I took my sterilized clothes off and headed to other room to see how's my patient doing.

As I entered the room I could feel stares on my silhouette. I sent them a warm smile, trying to show everything went fine.

– Dr Jonas, how did it went? Is she safe? – a middle aged woman asked. – Don't worry, Mrs. Selem, everything went fine. The tumor is gone and I'm positive it won't come back. Of course, the headaches might still appear this week, but it's normal after a head surgery. They will disappear soon though. – I smiled looking at their relieved faces.

– Now, young lady, tell me how are you feeling? – I asked sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. I hated these.

– I'm good. Is my head bald in the back? – she frowned and I couldn't help but laugh while shaking my head. – I tried my best not to remove your hair. There is only one small part leaking of it, but it shouldn't be visible, no worries. – I winked at her as her family kept laughing at her question. – Thanks! – she high-fived me putting a grin on my face.

This is why I love this job and would never change it.

– Let me see your eyes though. – I took a flashlight taking a look on her pupils. – Everything seems to be alright, so I'll check on you tomorrow morning and if things don't change, you'll be able to go home. – I said. Her father shook my hand thanking me. I could tell he got emotional, it made my eyes teary too. I've always kinda hoped I'd have my own baby girl to take care of and keep all the guys away from her till she would turn 40.

But it didn't really have the chance to happen. I was afraid Demi's baby would hate me and I wasn't sure if I could cope with that.

I sat in a canteen checking my phone. A smile appeared on my face when I saw my lockscreen. It was a picture Demi took that day when we were getting ready for her sister's wedding. She made me so happy. I slid my finger to unlock it and I was surprised she hasn't texted me yet. She was probably busy at work or left her charger at home. I still decided to call her.

When I was about to do it I saw two people in front of me. I quickly got up realizing one of them was my boss. – Well, well, Mr Jonas. I heard of your surgery which went quick and successful and I have to congratulate you. I look forward for our future work together. – he patted my arm and left. I smiled softly and a woman in front of me sat nearby. She grinned at me, so I sat down too. – My name is Meghan, we're co-workers, I guess. – she winked at me and I chuckled a bit. – I guess so. Nice to meet you, I'm Joe. – I sent her a smile and she bit her lip. She was very attractive. – So, Joe. Are you busy tonight? The staff is going to the party club nearby. You're very welcomed. – she said and left me the address of the club on the table.

I blinked some times. That party could be interesting. I finished my coffee and left the canteen to keep working.


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