Chapter 2

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<Demi's POV>

I could feel his breath on my face. Dear lord, he smelled so good. I closed my eyes and...

The doorbell rang. I felt like someone woke me up from a really nice dream. I sighed and opened my eyes and saw disappointment on his face. He stood up to stop our movie and I got up to open the door. My blood boiled when I saw Alex in front of me. Why the hell he always has to mess something up?!

- Hey, I thought you have some free time and we could hang out – he said smiling and I looked at him annoyed. How can he come there after he fucking cheated on me and act like nothing has happened?

- What if I don't have any free time? – I replied irritated.

– Yeah, of course. I'm sure you're laying down watching ID and being wasted after Dallas' bachelorette night – he rolled his eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. How...

- I'm Mark's groomsman, so don't be surprised. – he explained and I got even more annoyed. I'll have to cope with him at my sister's wedding as well. – Oh come on Demi, you can't be mad forever at me. I'm sure you still have feelings for me, you wouldn't move on that fast – he walked in to my flat and I felt so weak. He was right. I missed him but he was treating me like shit again. Joe came closer to us and the satisfaction I felt after seeing Alex's face was unbelievable. 

– I think I should go now. – Joe said and my heart raced. I didn't want him to go, I didn't want to be alone with my ex. – NO! – I said and they both looked at me surprised. Suddenly I felt so much confidence. I had a great time so why am I letting Alex ruin it? – Who's that? – Alex asked with ignorance. Joe was quiet but I knew he was already mad. 

– I think it's none of your business and actually you're wrong. I already moved on and you could move on as well. – I said as I hugged to Joe. Gosh, his perfume are awesome. He looked at me confused. I only hoped he wouldn't think of me as an idiot but I needed his help now. – How even? Four years together and you're already fucking around?! – Alex threw flowers he brought at me. Sunflowers. I hated them but how could he know about that when he never paid attention to me. 

It was enough. 

I've never felt so angry before. – Excuse me? Now you remember about that? About our four years? Why didn't you remember about that relationship when you were cheating on me?! You are a piece of shit and I don't want to have anything in common with you. – I raised my voice. Joe was quiet all the time and Alex's face was red. – You know what?! – he turned to Joe. – Fuck her whenever you want. She wouldn't even give you a blowjob. She is so lame so if you need a real woman with a good body, that's not right choice. – he finished and I was speechless. I can't believe he's just said that. I felt so small again.

<Joe's POV>

I was standing there and couldn't believe Demi dated such an idiot. I thought I won't bother them but after I heard what this asshole said about her I decided to join a game she's started.

– Are you done or? – I asked. Demi looked at me and I could say she was getting teary and I had to hold myself not to punch him.

– I don't see what's your problem dude. If she was so shitty then why did you come here to lick her ass? Maybe YOU were the problem? Because I'm totally satisfied. We both are. She's great and sexy, but how can you know that when you don't respect her? You get what you give. I feel really sorry for her... She wasted 4 years. I mean if your dick is as small as your brain then why are you even surprised she didn't give you a blowjob? I don't need any advices from you because we're fine in bedroom and outside bedroom as well. Now just get the fuck out if you have nothing clever to say. – I finished and pointed at door. He didn't expect that and I was proud of myself. No one is going to insult Demi near me, she was like my little sister and even if both of us were adults I feel like I needed to protect her.

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