Chapter 37

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<Demi's POV>

I opened my eyes and winced seeing white walls surrounding me. Again.

I was really fed up of it. I blinked a few times to make my vision less blurred.

I was so sore. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. I looked around.

White, white, white. 

The colour of purity and innocence, yet the most hated one by me at that moment. It's not like I was pure or innocent anyway, but who was?

I raised my head a bit and noticed my older sister reading some magazine in the corner of the room. I tried to say something but my throat was too dry, I only managed to cough. She lifted her head quickly and squealed. I would laugh if I could, but that seemed impossible then.

Every muscle of my body ached.

– Water. – I choked finally and Dallas nodded her head taking a plastic cup from my bedside table. She filled it with clear liquid and helped me to drink it.

– Much better. – I sent her a weak smile, when she kissed my head.

– How long was I sleeping? – I asked yawning. She chuckled.

– Three days. – she said and my eyes widened.

– Where's Aiden? – I asked sitting straight.

– Calm down, Christina takes care of him. So do we, I mean me and mom. Maddie came too. We keep an eye on him. – Dallas reassured me and I nodded my head slowly, trying not to cause a worse headache.

– Do you know how is Joe? – I asked hopefully, squeezing the bed sheets. I was so nervous, what if he didn't make it? I closed my eyes.

– I can't tell you Demi, do you want me to go for Christina? – she asked making me nod.

– Yes, please. And bring Aiden. – I pouted making her giggle, but I still was nervous as shit. She kissed my forehead and went out. I smiled a bit appreciating the fact Dallas came here from other state, just to make sure I was doing fine. I loved my sisters so much.

I let out a sigh, come on Joseph. I ran my fingers through my hair, it was so dirty. I needed to take a shower, but I couldn't care less at that moment. I wanted to see my boys. I sniffed.

I soon noticed Christina and Dallas behind her holding AJ. Christina gave me a hug and checked on me if I was doing good. My scar on abdominal was heeling slowly, I had new stiches since last ones broke when I was fighting with Mark trying to help Joe. That's why I was bleeding, my wound opened then.

I cooed when Dallas put Aiden in my arms. He opened his big eyes and put his tiny hand on my breast.

– That's definitely Joe's son. – Chris smirked and I hit her arm playfully.

– How is he? – I asked holding my breath.

– He woke up for a moment today, but fell asleep again. He is doing good, though. A week or two and he will stand on his feet. – she said and I grinned throwing my head back on the pillow. I couldn't be happier.

Later that day, my sister helped me to wash myself. I made a ponytail of my hair and I put some clothes Dallas brought me. I put some mascara on and left the hospital bathroom. Gross.

I finally looked like a person, not a ghost.

Mark told me Joe woke up and I got really excited. I felt touched though, I got really emotional. We didn't have any contact in a week or so. I made my way to his room and took a few deep breaths.

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