Chapter 30

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<Joe's POV>

I stormed out of Demi's flat in the mood to kill everyone. I didn't even remember the last time I was this furious, I really didn't. I tried to hold myself in front of Skylar, so I went to Demi's bedroom, but she had to follow me right after. The fact she acted like nothing had happened annoyed the fuck out of me. But again, I couldn't even be harsh to her so I decided to hide my feelings and pride for another time. I wanted to be alone for a while, but when I found that napkin in her bag.

Call me gorgeous, I could be your daddy tonight ;)

I almost exploded. Whoever wrote it... if I only saw him I'd chop his balls off. Without hesitation.

I cursed out loud catching a taxi which was coming. I went in not even trying to be nice to the driver. I gave him the address and he nodded his head, the rest of our ride was spent in silence. He was an older guy, his face was covered in wrinkles. I noticed a ring on his finger, a wedding ring. I immediately rolled my eyes, but I knew it was caused by envy. Looking around, I noticed a few pics pinned to the taxi door. I think it was him surrounded by his kids and grandkids, he was kissing a woman's hand, his wife's probably. I was sure he couldn't earn a lot with that job, but he had something many rich guys couldn't.

Own family.

I let out a long sigh feeling so hopeless.

Call me gorgeous, I could be your daddy tonight ;)

Another wave of anger hit me, I felt my cheeks burning and my head pounding. I literally wanted to scream the loudest I could, but would it help? Maybe.

The driver stopped the car and turned around in my direction, his eyes showed sympathy but I knew he was afraid of me due to my bad attitude.

– How much? – I asked, ready to get out. I needed fresh air. Now. I didn't even wait for his answer, I just gave him $50 and left.

But after a few steps I stopped. I took a deep breath and turned around opening the taxi door once again. The driver's face was concerned and surprised, he probably had no idea what to expect.

– I'm sorry, just a rough day. Thank you for the ride. – I said with a brief smile and left leaving him completely speechless.

I knocked to the door I knew too well and waited for the owner to open. I needed to forget about all the worries tonight and just relax. There was only one person who could help me with that. The door opened and after I saw that smirk I knew I'd have fun tonight.

<Demi's POV>

I fixed my dress and hair twirling around in front of my mirror. I was wearing a woollen rose gold dress which hugged my curves perfectly along with my belly.

After an hour of crying, it took me a lot of effort to look good enough and make a positive impression on Skylar's mother. I had to put my fight with Joe away tonight and it was really, really hard not to think about him. I still couldn't believe I didn't throw this stupid napkin right away when that waiter gave me it. I was too lazy to move my ass so I just threw it to my bag, how could I know Joe would find it?! He didn't even let me explain myself! I knew I acted wrong, but we have never talked about a baby scan, I just thought he didn't want to be a part of it. I made a decision myself instead of talking with him and that wasn't okay.

Then he found that napkin and everything we had built, got ruined. I couldn't blame him though, I'd have acted worse if I were in his shoes.

I looked up opening my eyes widely, trying to stop the tears from falling. I didn't plan to spend another twenty minutes on doing my make-up. I got up and went downstairs, smiling when I saw the table was laid already.

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