Chapter 9

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<Joe's POV>

I felt my head pounding and terrible headache caught me. I tried to open my eyes but it was pointless. There was too much light in my room for my eyes to handle. All of sudden memories from yesterday hit me and I could feel my eyes began to fill with tears again. I prayed it was just a bad nightmare but it wasn't. Maya was gone. I rubbed my face, I definitely needed to shave but I couldn't care less about it at that moment. I really tried to think she is better now, she doesn't have to suffer. She was always like an angel, maybe that's the reason God wanted her back so fast. I let out a deep sigh trying to calm myself. I turned around and felt disappointed again. Demi wasn't there and she promised she wouldn't leave me alone, yet she did. My brain wasn't able to process last night and it was so confusing. I can't believe we had sex, it finally happened but in the worst timing possible. Although I don't know what would I do without her. I'd turn insane and I took my anger, my sadness, my emotions out on her instead. She gave me peace, she made me feel safe and I was so thankful for her. I heard footsteps and relied on my elbows surprised when I saw Demi with a cup of coffee. She stayed.

- Oh, you woke up. I thought you will sleep longer but here, take my coffee. I'll make another one for myself. – she said and put a cup on my bedside table. She was wearing my T-shirt and a weak smile appeared on my lips. Her presence made me feel way better. I grabbed her waist when she was about to leave the room making her fall on the bed by my side. I hugged her from behind and planted a kiss on her neck. She stroked my cheek gently and kissed it. – You haven't left. – I whispered embracing her tight and placed my head on her shoulder. – I keep my promises. I'm here for you and I won't leave you alone. – she replied softly and closed her eyes. She was so pretty without any make up on. Most of women use it to look better but Demi doesn't need it at all. She was naturally beautiful.

She turned around and looked into my eyes. I felt naked under her stare, she could read me like no one else. – How are you feeling? – she whispered stroking my cheek again. – Physically. – she added and I just shrugged my arms. It was tough and unbelievable. But I knew she understood me. She always did. – It will be a rough week, I know it and I won't feed you up with „everything will be okay"s. But I also know you're a strong man and you can get through it. She wouldn't want you to give up. – Demi looked at me and I gave her a smile. She was the only one who wouldn't judge me and she wouldn't feed me with that bullshit, she actually cared and was honest with me. I didn't deserve her.

She pecked my lips and I brought her closer to my chest. I felt her breasts rubbing me, she wasn't wearing a bra under that t-shirt but I wasn't complaining. Our kiss became more heated and I wrapped my arms around her not letting her go. She was tiny, she fit perfectly in my arms. I don't know what happened to me but if it was possible I'd spend my whole life with her lying down on my chest. I couldn't describe this.

- I'm glad you're with me. – I whispered with cracked voice and she intertwined our hands. Then I felt her soft lips rubbing mine. – Whenever you need me. – she whispered back. – Always. – I said and bit my tongue. I shouldn't have said it. Too early for that. Demi grinned and laid next to me. She covered us with a blanket and I hugged her tight. She didn't bombard me with questions and that was her best feature. She knew when to quit and let the silence speak.


I left my bed when I felt the place next to me was cold. I entered the kitchen and saw a piece of paper on the table under a cup of coffee.

„My heart doesn't let me to wake you up, so I'm writing this. My sister called me, I'm going to the wedding rehearsals. I made you a cup of coffee and some sandwiches, there was nothing else in your kitchen L I will go grocery shopping as well, but if I'm not back by 8, order some pizza. Call me if you needed something, xoxo, Dem."

I totally forgot about that wedding, man. I opened the fridge and saw a plate with sandwiches. I couldn't help but smile. I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to bring myself to the reality. Too many things were going on and it was hard to cope with them. Demi made me realize Maya is in better place right now and even if I missed her to death I needed to move on. It won't be that easy but I know I can do it. For her.

Another thing was that I lost control of feelings for my best friend and I don't know if I liked that. I couldn't fight with that anymore, I needed someone to be with me. Not for a night, but for way longer. I didn't see myself in a stable relationship, but I wanted to give it a try. I used to think, the butterflies in stomach thing and other stuff happens only in books or movies, but crap. It really exists! I was craving for Demi, for her lips, her body. Maya was right. There was a strong chemistry between us and as hard as I tried to deny it, it was coming back with doubled power.

There was also other thing. I didn't know what to do, because I know she should know the truth, but if I told her she wouldn't stay with me for sure. I sighed and laid my eyes on the clock in living room. It was after 10pm. Did I sleep for that long? Or more important question is: where is Demi? She should've been there already. I grabbed my phone and called her. Nothing.

I called her again but still same thing. I came back to kitchen and took a bite of sandwich but I couldn't focus on it now. I didn't like the idea of her being all alone somewhere this late. It was all her fault. Her stupid ass scary movies' fault to be correct.

I heard the door opening and felt a relief when I heard her voice. – Heeeyyy, I'm sorry it took me so long but this wedding is one big me.. – I cut her off cupping her face and kissing her passionately. She moaned and wrapped her arms around my waist. – You're so cold. – I pecked her nose and she giggled, then flinched a bit. I rubbed her arms kissing her forehead. She yawned into my shoulder. I chuckled a bit. – Go to bed now and I'll make you some hot chocolate. Oh and order a pizza, my phone is on the table. – she grinned and pecked my cheek then quickly hid under the blanket. I shook my head smiling.

- Joe, you know. The wedding is next week and I have to be there but if you don't feel like going – tell me. I don't want to force you to go, I will be okay with that. I want you to heal in peace. – she said when I laid near her. I was considering that option to be honest, but I didn't want her to be alone with that Alex dude. I was getting jealous whenever she mentioned him. Demi also put a lot of work into that wedding, she was so stressed and I wanted to be there for her. I started massagging her back and kissing her neck. – You worry too much. It's okay, I want to go with you. I was thinking about your words and I can't shut myself down. I need to move on. – I said and I saw her smiling. I pecked her lips. – Mmm...This is my favourite thing to do. – she whispered and I nodded.

Demi was talking about the wedding preparations non stop and after 30 minutes I literally stopped paying attention to her words but just enjoyed her presence and played with her hair. Was it weird I could listen to her voice all the time? Oh my Gosh, I really went crazy.

Because of love.


Okay, it's almost 3am and I finished writing. If I'm late for school I blame you guys, lol jk :P

Soo, how do you think... what's Joe's secret and why he doesn't want Demi to know about it?

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