Chapter 25

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<Demi's POV>

– So, how is the breakfast? – Skylar asked coming in to the kitchen. She tied her hair in a ponytail and sent me a shy smile.

– It's fine... - I threw my head back laughing when a pancake fell off the ceiling right after I finished the sentence. She soon joined me and I had to sit down because I couldn't stop laughing.

– Oh my Gosh, I can't breathe. – I choked and another phase of laughter caught me, tears building up in my eyes. – Demi.. – Skylar started but not long later she fell on the chair next to me bursting out with laugh again.

– If you're as good in the operating block as in kitchen, then please remind me to never visit that hospital again. – she managed to say and I raised my head just to pretend that I felt offended but the smile didn't want to go off my face. – This is why I studied medicine, not gastronomy. – I pointed out shaking my head. – Let me help you. – she quickly offered when I started getting up. I only smiled at her my eyes following her every move, you could tell she knew how to cook without any problems. It's been a week, since she "moved" in with me and she was a big help. I didn't want to overwhelm her, but I noticed she was so thankful that I let her stay here so she did basically everything. Cleaning, cooking. When I was coming back home from work, my flat was already clean and dinner was ready. I didn't even ask for this, she was a gold child.

I had another room, next to mine. It was empty, well I kinda wanted it to be a room for my baby, but I had plenty of time till he/she was born, so I decided Skylar should sleep there. I also gave her some of my clothes, they looked baggy on her but I didn't have much time to take her out to buy something. It's not like she complained, but I wanted to buy her some. It's clear, she has never been spoiled but I wanted to make her childhood up by some little things, such as taking her to the cinema or buying clothes, sweets, etc. I could easily afford it, so I didn't want her to feel like she is using me.

I had no idea, how long would she stay there but I knew I wouldn't let her come back to her father. I wanted to have this serious talk with her about it, so we could find the resolution, but for now I didn't want to rush things and I liked it with her around. I hoped she felt similar way, I think we get along really well.

Skylar soon appeared next to me with a plate of pancakes, covered with whipped cream, fruit and chocolate. I groaned at this sight.

– Do you know how many calories are there? – I asked but she knew I was just messing with her. – Enough for a pregnant woman. – she giggled when I rolled my eyes. She would always laugh at me because I craved many weird things during my pregnancy. For example, I never eat Nutella without bananas or fries without pickles and ketchup. Skylar's face looks always disgusted but I can't blame her nor I can't blame myself. It's this lil bean's which is growing inside me fault.

After we ate, I did the dishes and told Sky to get ready. I wanted to spend whole day out with her, it should be fun.

– We could search for some baby clothes too. – she said clapping her hands and I nodded my head giggling. She supported me a lot and I felt blessed to have her here or I would go crazy alone. I laid down on my couch turning the TV on. I searched for some criminal shows, because I only watched these, comedies and horrors. Nothing more interested me much, to be honest. I felt my eyes being heavy though and I covered myself with a blanket. I had much time till we go out, so I thought having a nap would be nice.

I let out a sigh hearing a doorbell ringing twice. Why did it always happen when I was about to fall asleep? I groaned getting up not letting my blanket fall off me. When I opened the door my eyes widened at first, but then I squealed like a teenage girl wrapping my arms around Joe.

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