Chapter 43

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<Demi's POV>

The sun rays fell to our room cupping my face. I wrinkled my forehead, trying to hide my eyes in a pillow. I prayed I could somehow fall asleep once again, but I knew it was too late. I groaned raising my head, I grabbed my phone and pressed the home button but instead of seeing the time, all I saw was the sign of an empty battery. I cursed quietly and got up. I tiptoed to my bag and took some clean clothes out. I smiled to myself when I glanced over my boys who were still sleeping. After I had made sure Aiden was far away from the bed edge, I plugged my charger into the socket and left to bathroom to do my daily morning routine. My eyes landed on the clock above the mirror in front of me.

6:32 am.

I sighed brushing my hair, it was early but with my job and now being a mom, I was used to waking up at that time. I washed my face and made a ponytail of my hair, then left the bathroom. I was quite surprised at the fact that Aiden was still sleeping. Usually he was already up at six, but maybe he was just exhausted after previous day. It was his first night in another house, so I didn't blame him.

I looked at my phone as its screen lit up. It buzzed quite loudly too and I noticed a few wrinkles which appeared on my son's forehead. His legs started moving and I saw his eyes were slowly opening, a yawn escaped out of his mouth. I grinned and quickly sat next to him holding his little hand. He grabbed my finger squeezing it. My heart melt every time he did that. I cooed at him and planted a soft kiss on his forehead, assuring him that I'm here. I knew he needed a diaper change, but I wanted to feed him first. I picked him up carefully, because he still wasn't fully awake and hugged him to my chest. The corner of my mouth went up as I saw his hand reaching for my breast. Even if sometimes I thought he preferred spending time with Joe, feeding time was something special he could only share with me. A lot of women hated this but I actually liked the feeling. I don't know why, I was always so focused while feeding him. I didn't pay attention to anything else. It was just Aiden and I then. Physically and emotionally.

When we were done I began walking around the room, patting his back gently waiting for his tummy to consume it all.

It was around seven when I changed his diaper and decided to go downstairs without waking Joe up. He spent most of the time with Aiden the previous day while I was catching up with my family. Now it was my turn.

We entered the kitchen. My older sister, mom and grandma were already there drinking coffee. They smiled at us warmly, Dallas reached her hands out for Aiden with a grin.

Although he spent some time with her yesterday and I thought he was used to my family, he started whimpering in her arms. Dallas pouted and started rocking him gently, but his body was stiff, his eyes searching for me. I smiled at that, but the disappointment on my sister's face was hard and somehow funny to watch.

– I guess I'm not ready to be a mom yet. – she groaned. I shook my head not wanting her to think like that. I took Aiden from her arms though, he instantly cheered up, shade of satisfaction painted on his face.

– That's not true Dallas, he is just such a momma's boy. Whenever one of us isn't around he is getting really fussy. – I explained with a sigh. That wasn't a good thing, but I didn't know what to do with that, when he was a couple of weeks old. I was still a fresh mother who had to learn many things.

– This will change when he starts kindergarten. – my mom assured me making me smile.

– Now he is too young to understand, you were like this too. – she added. I looked up at her surprised.

– Really? – I asked. She nodded her head with a smile, wrinkles covered her forehead.

– Yes, now look at you. We barely see each other, if I didn't call you you wouldn't visit us on your own. – she raised one eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

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