Chapter 9

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Christian's POV
I played with my phone, fighting the urge to call Ana. I typed her number and almost pressed the button. Almost. I'm back at Georgia, Anastasia doesn't have the idea that I came here again and left work early.

"Sir, the flowers arrived." Taylor said as he opened the door. "Thank you." I said as he closed the door and I walked towards Ana's home. It's small, smaller than her previous apartment and obviously smaller than my penthouse.

I turned the doorknob and saw Ana breastfeeding Teddy. "Oh my God." Ana exclaimed as she covered her breast. I laughed. "Don't worry, I didn't see anything. I haven't seen anything new." I said as I sat down on one of her chairs.

I get hit by a pillow. "Asshole. What are you doing here, Grey?" She asked. "I'm here to be with my family." I said.

"You think the flowers are enough to forget about what the real issue is? Well Grey, you're wrong." She said, sass dripping in her voice. Game on, Grey.

"Everything I said in the email was true." I said. "Really?" She said, trying to make Teddy burp.

"Yes." I said, giving nothing away. "Really, Mr. Grey? Then how do you explain the 5 million dollars I received at my new bank account at a random day? A good samaritan just accidentally deposited that?" She snarkily said. This woman will be my death.

"Ana, don't start." I said. I know I'm wrong but she did not need to bring that up.

"I'm not the one who started it." She said, standing up in front of me. Stand down. I repeat, stand down.

"Okay! I'm sorry." I said, trying to make myself sound sincere.

"How convincing." She said. "Is it really that bad that I placed money in your bank account? I just wanted to make sure you are fine." I said.

"You made me feel like I'm worthless!" She said, her voice rising three octaves. "That's what I'm trying to point out. You made me feel like you are the only reason why I can attend to my needs! You hadn't even asked me if I need your help. I know, you can only provide the way you did to me. It's a luxury, the way you treated me. But I know I can sustain Teddy and myself." She said, tears springing in her eyes.

I stood up and hugged her. "I'm sorry, Ana. We'll compromise." I said as I caressed her hair. "Mean it." She said, punching my chest. "Okay, I promise." I said.

"I'll cook food. Entertain yourself." She said as she went to the kitchen. "I'll do some work." I said as I carried Teddy on her room and closed the door.
Anastasia's POV
"That smells delicious." Christian said as he went out of my room, carrying Teddy and walked towards the kitchen. Christian smiled at the food that was on the table. Macaroni and cheese, and he can smell the chocolate cake as it bakes.

He gave me a grin. "You never forget." Christian said. "When it's about you, I never forget. I will never forget everything about you, Christian." I said shyly as I got the cake from the oven.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you." I softly sang to Christian as I sliced the cake. "Make a wish." I said. Christian looked at me. "It will happen soon." Christian said as she smiled. He pulled the chair for me and sat beside me.

He served me and then himself. "You make delicious macaroni and cheese, baby." He said. "Baby?" I said as I smiled at him. Christian was making sounds of delight at every bite. The simplicity of this makes him happy.

"What did you do during your birthday?" Ana asked as he took another platter of mac and cheese. Christian is eating like a monster. "Mom made dinner. My family came to their mansion, Kate included. You know, Elliot." He said.

"Yes, she looked at me everytime, like she was going to kill me or something. But I'm still alive." Christian continued. "Plain ol' Kate." I said as I smiled. "After that, I went home, played the piano, and slept, tried to sleep." He said with a sad smile.

"Oh no. I'm sorry, Christian." I said, holding his hand. "Don't be, I've been like that for a while, so I'm used to it." He said. He was shocked by the gesture. I looked at his eyes. "I'm sorry." I said.

That sorry wasn't only about the nightmares, but also the pain I caused him. He lost a lot of weight and had dark circles under his eye while I looked quite the same. Christian smiled at me then stood up and went to her fridge.

"You don't drink?" Christian asked. "Nope. Breastfeeeding. And wine will cost me a fortune." I said. My job as an editor is enough for her and teddy's needs. "Oh. Okay." Christian said as he got water and poured it in two goblets.

"To Teddy." Christian said. I laughed. We clinked glasses. "So, did I already persuade you to go with me?" Christian asked. "Still thinking." I said as I washed our dishes.

Christian held my arms, and stopped me. "Let me." Christian said. I laughed. What is happening to my man? My. Really. "That's so domestic." I said as I watched Christian struggle with the dishes.

I held his hands and guided him. "You do round strokes, not scratch it." Isaid. "Oh." He said as he watched our hands. "This is getting easier and slippier by the minute." Christian said as she let me do the washing, and he do the watching.

He took my face with both of his hands and looked at my eyes, his gray eyes bright with emotion. "I want you like this. Barefoot in my kitchen." Christian said.

"Shouldn't that be barefoot AND pregnant in the kitchen?" I said with a smirk. "Tell me that when Teddy's two." He said. Woah. I wiped my hands in my shirt and removed myself from Christian's embrace.

"Where do you stay?" I asked. "I just came here, so I have nowhere to sleep. I'm homeless here in Georgia." Christian said with a smile. "Oh. Maybe you could stay at Ray's." I said, joking. "Wow, I would really enjoy that." He said, laughing.

"I only have two rooms here, my room, and Teddy's future room, that is empty." I explained. His eyes darkened. "That means we will share the bed."

"No. No. No." I said as I distracted Christian with Teddy my arms. "Teddy's sleeping with me. You sleep here."

"Here in this crib? You are offending me, Anastasia." He said, humor in his tone. "Fine, we sleep in one bed with teddy, like a happy family." Christian smiled widely, just like the way he does when he makes a business deal or steps on someone's empire.

"Nope. Will never happen. We are not doing that." I said as I looked at him, biting my lip to stifle my smile. "I'm quiet here." Christian said. "Whatever, Christian. You are insatiable." I said. "Whatever, Anastasia." Christian said, laughing.
Christian's POV
Teddy looked at me, as if he's asking. "Nope." I said. He shook his head. "No, Teddy." I said sternly. Teddy shouted then cried. "Oh no, Christian." Ana said. "I was just kidding. This guy's ultra sensitive and demanding. He reminds me of someone." I said as I carried Teddy.

"You little guy." I said as I touched Teddy's hair. "You are bossy, aren't you?" I said as I rocked him. "Look, he became quiet already." I said as I looked at Ana. She's gone. "Ana?"

"Good night, baby boy." I placed him at his crib and started searching for Ana. I searched through the kitchen, bathroom, the empty room, and the bedroom. The bedroom was small. It's smaller than my bathroom. Obviously.

I saw Ana lying on the bed, sleeping. Her hair fanned in the pillows, mouth parted slightly. Angel. I went out, got my duffel bag from the trunk and changed into a pair of pajamas.

I decided to get Teddy from his crib, closed the lights and went to the bedroom. Their bedroom. Teddy yawned, sucking his thumb. "Good night, teddy bear." I said as I kissed his forehead and laid him on the small bed beside Ana's.

I slipped beside Ana, wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "Good night, Anastasia."

For the first time in months, the nightmares have left.

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