Chapter 10

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Anastasia's POV
I woke up feeling the familiar warmth. Christian's warmth. He was still sound asleep, his arms wrapped around me. Damn. He's a god. Thick eyelashes, pointed nose, sculpted jaw and that pouty, kissable lips and never forget, the effortless just-fucked hair.

His grey eyes opened. "Morning." He said. He smiled at me and I still can't believe if it's a dream or a beautiful nightmare. Everything feels surreal. "Did we really just sleep?" I asked as I looked at our entangled, dressed bodies. "Miraculously, yes." Christian said.

"Teddy...??" I said. "Still sleeping." He said. "What time is it anyway?" I asked as I stood up and stretched. That felt nice.

"A little earlier than usual." He said. "Good morning." He said again. "Good morning." I said as I touched his face, stroking his cheek dearly. My beautiful, damaged man.

Christian sighed, contentment evident. Our foreheads touched, and we stared at each other's eyes. Blue to grey, grey to blue. Our lips touched, and the sensation that died nine months ago is back. He bit my lower lip and I opened my mouth to welcome his tongue and our lips continued to do a sensual, passionate dance. My hands went to his hair, trying to make the kiss deeper than it is already. His hands traveled my body and rested at small of my back.

We were so in the moment that I jumped when Teddy screamed. We laughed. Distractions. "I'll do it." I said as I went to Teddy. "You are hungry, Teddy?" "I'll leave you to have some privacy." Christian said as he stood up and went to the door.
Christian's POV
I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and stared at myself. The beauty's skin deep, Grey. Before my thoughts led me to the dark, I decided to shave. I searched for shaving cream and I was met by Ana's gaze as I looked back at the mirror. She was still breastfeeding Teddy. Fuck.

It's been long since you got laid, Grey. And now you're having the biggest and bluest case of blue balls. I spread the cream and Ana was still staring at me. This woman. "What?" Ana asked. "Nothing." I said.

I started shaving and almost cut my skin when I saw Ana's nipple exposed. Ana immediately hid it and I know I've been staring at it. "Pervert." Ana said as she laughed and went out of the bathroom. By the end of my stay in this house, I'm gonna be fucking sterile.
Anastasia's POV
Christian went out of the bathroom, and he was welcomed by the falling of the teacup I'm holding. "Oh my." I said as she scanned his body. He was just having a towel wrapped around his waist. "Good Lord." I exclaimed. I almost ran to him and pinned him against the wall. Almost.

But I hadn't taken a bath since the last 24 hours and I badly need one. I am hot and sweaty. "And I am the pervert." Christian playfully said as he entered the room. "That was embarrassing." I muttered. I picked up the fragments of the broken teacup and because of my inborn clumsiness, I was able to cut myself.

"Shit." I continued picking up the pieces and went to the kitchen. I threw the fragments and washed my bleeding finger. "You cut yourself?" I heard Christian ask. "Yup." I said as I closed the faucet and faced him. So embarrassing.

Why doesn't he stop being so hot? He is now wearing black boxers and nothing else. Good lord. "Admiring the view, Anastasia?" He said as he walked towards me and looked at the cut. "Good thing it's not deep." Christian said. "I'll have Taylor pick up some bandages."

"No need, I keep a first aid kit in the bathroom." I said as I went to the bathroom and got the band-aid. I was about to do it myself when Christian stopped her. He spread some ointment and placed the band-aid.

"Much better." He said. "Okay. You take care of Teddy." I said as I went back to the bathroom and took a bath. I immediately heard Christian's voice. He sighed and immediately swore. "Oh fuck Teddy."
Christian's POV
"You smell like shit." I said as open the drawers, searching for diapers. Found it.

So, how do you do this? Fuck. This is stressful. "I can do this." I said as I sighed and removed Teddy's pajamas. "Oh fuck." I said. It was literally full of shit.

I place the soiled pajamas at the floor and removed the diapers. "Fuck." I exclaimed. I wiped his bottoms with wipes and placed some baby powder and petroleum jelly. "This is so fucking hard and easy at the same time." I uttered. I held Teddy's legs and raised it and Teddy giggled.

I smiled. My teddy bear. "You are so cute even though you shit so smelly, Teddy bear," I said as I placed the diapers. I searched for new pants and let Teddy wear it. "You'll do, Teddy bear." I said as I wiped my hands with the wipes and picked up the trash and soiled stuff. That was.... Weird.

I was about to walk when Teddy started crying. Demanding creature. "You are bossy." I said as I quickly threw the diapers and placed the pajamas at the laundry and went to Teddy.

Ana still hasn't come out of the bath. That's weird. She never took a lot of time. I carried Teddy and rocked him until he fell asleep. "That surely is tiring." Ana said as she walked towards me. She's just wearing a white shirt and boxers. Damn. "You looked cute changing that diaper, but the swearing should stop, okay?" Ana said as she rubbed my biceps. I missed that. Her simple gestures.

"Yes, Mrs. Grey." I said as I wrapped his arm around her. "Join me for tea? I have coffee somewhere." She said as we walked. "Anything's fine." I said. We need to do some grocery shopping anytime soon. Ana placed water in the kettle and sat next to me.

"How's your hand?" I asked as I looked at her hands. "I'm fine, Christian. Really." She assured me. I kissed her hand and kissed every finger and sucked on it. Ana flushed. You still have an effect on her, Grey. "That was uncalled for." She said as she stood up and prepared her tea. She got my coffee out of the brewer.

"Any plans?" She asked me as we both took a sip. I placed my lips on her ear and whispered. "Maybe we could stay here, and just talk."

She shivered. "Oh. Teddy's having his first check up." She said as she recovered. "I'll call the doctor to go here." I said. Ana stopped me by holding my hand. "No, Christian. We should go. We have Taylor with we. We will be fine." Ana said as she rubbed my hand.

I exhaled. "Fine." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Thank you, Christian." She said as she kissed me on the cheek. "I think I should be stubborn more often." I said as I smirked. "No need to." She said as she kissed me again at the corner of my mouth. "Tease." I said. My beautiful, good-hearted tease.

"Don't you have a universe to run?" Ana asked. "You and Teddy are my universe. Only you." I said. Ana blushed. One point for Grey! "That was so romantic, Mr. Grey." Ana said as she blushed deeper. "Hearts and flowers, Mrs. Grey. Always." I said, going to Teddy's crib.

"We'll go in thirty. I'll just arrange Teddy's things and give him a bath." Ana said, me giving Teddy. "I'll arrange his things, go give him a bath." I said. Changing diapers was enough of an experience. "Controlling as ever." Ana uttered. Oh baby, some things just don't change.

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