Chapter 37

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Opening my eyes, I see Christian sleeping soundly, his body turned away from me. This is the first time in a while that I woke up before he did. Leaving him alone, I get my meds and phone from my table and go to the kitchen. I see Gail and when she sees me, she's shocked. "You're up early, Ana. Are you feeling better?" She asks, and I feel motherly concern I've never received in a long time. "Yes. I don't have the fever anymore but I still have colds." I tell her. "Good. What would you like for breakfast?" She asks me. I grab a pitcher of water from the fridge. "Pancakes would be great." I tell her.

"Did Christian wake up already?" I ask her, drinking my meds. "As far as I know, no. But he has the tendency to wake up really early then come back to bed. It happened a lot before..." She trails off, and I know what she means. She starts cooking the food and I check my e-mail. I decided to go to Georgia before dinner, which means I'll arrive there by midnight, and come back tomorrow afternoon. I'll check how things work, and meet Chase's new co-worker Stephan, whom she hasn't stopped gushing over about. The emails about how gorgeous he is hasn't stopped. I have to remind Chase about the anti-fraternisation policy a lot.

Taylor walks into the kitchen, holding his jacket. "Mrs. Grey, you are up early." He remarks, and I smile. "I know." I answer him. He greets Gail so formally I have to snort. I look at them and they are smiling at me. "Did Christian wake up already?" I ask him, and he shakes his head. "He would, usually, but that was before." He answers formally. "Oh, okay." I answer. He excuses himself and he goes inside the tech room. Probably scanning the cctv footage.

Gail serves my pancakes with fruits and yogurt, and I start digging in. I slowly eat, my throat still hurting a little when swallowing. I hear footsteps at the stairs and see Christian going down the stairs, Teddy in his arm. "I was looking all over for you." He tells me, kissing my cheek. "Good morning." I tell him, and he smiles contritely. "Good morning, baby." He greets me. "You don't have fever anymore, so you can carry Teddy again." He tells me, and hands me Teddy. My sweet, sweet boy.

Teddy immediately grasps my shirt, his eyes widening, looking at my face. "You still remember me, bubba?" I ask, pinching his cheek. He smiles, and I smile back. I continue eating with Teddy on my lap, and Christian starts eating also. Teddy's squirming on my lap, clearly reaching for Christian. "Teddy, daddy's eating." I scold him, holding him with both hands. I move my plate, making Teddy sit at the table, but he suddenly lies on the table face down, and attempts to reach for Christian.

I groan. "Teddy, you haven't seen me for a day and suddenly you like daddy more?" I ask him, making him sit. "For the record, you like daddy also, Anastasia." Christian says, not looking at me. Hearing daddy and my name in a sentence is weird. Good weird. I can feel the heat on my cheeks. Teddy keeps on squirming so I stop convincing him to stay put. I hold his stomach and let him lie down on the table. He's staring at Christian. At first, he doesn't notice, but Teddy is still staring, so Christian stops eating and looks back at him.

They stare at each other, and I bite my lip to stop myself from giggling. Christian fidgets with the fork on his hand, and Teddy is reaching for Christian with his arms. Finally, Christian breaks the stare and finishes eating. He gets Teddy from me and carries him on his arm, and Teddy is still staring at him. He shakes his head, smiling. "You are making me uncomfortable, Theodore." He scolds him, still grinning. Slicing my pancakes, I see Christian has stopped eating all together, and is now playing with Teddy.

"Open." I tell Christian, and I feed him my pancakes. He smiles at me, and I wipe the whipped cream on the corner of his mouth. He covers Teddy's eyes and plays peek a boo, Teddy giggling at him every time. I continue feeding him until he says he's full, and i continue watching them. I'm happy to see my boys getting close. It's comforting.

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