Chapter 11

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Anastasia's POV
Christian's dressed in a black t-shirt, black ripped jeans and black boots, and I dressed Teddy to match him. My handsome boys.

"Where to, Mrs. Grey?" Taylor asked. "St. Joseph's." I said. "Yes ma'am." Taylor said.

"Teddy's born premature, right?" Christian asked as Teddy sleeps peacefully at his arms. "Yes." I said. "How?" He asked.

"Mom." I said as I knocked on their door. "Mom!" I shouted.
"Ana! Are you alright?" She asked as I shouted. Aaaagghhhh.
"Are you having your practice contractions?" She asked.
"No.... I've been having regular contractions every six minutes." I said as I rubbed my stomach.
"Bob!" Mom shouted as I sat down. "Ana's about to give birth." She shouted. He immediately prepared the car and drove.
The contractions stopped then I felt liquid running down my legs. "Mom. My water just broke." I said as I am slowly losing my energy.
"Ana. Hold on. You can do it." Mom said as she assisted me going to the emregency room.
"She's going into labor!" Mom said. I know she's trying to stay calm but I know she's panicking.
I was immediately carried to a bed and pushed towards the labor ward.
"Anastasia. I know you can do it. Hold on, blip's coming." Mom said. I just nodded.
An oxygen mask is placed at my nose and Dr. Hudson went in. "Ana, you're doing fine. Just breathe." She said as she checked if I'm diluted. "You're fully dilated. You're in labor." She said.
"Do you feel this Ana?" She asked. "What?" I asked. "Good." She said.

"I'm sorry, Ana, if I wasn't there." Christian said as he held my hand. "It's fine. At that time, I was already used to being alone. But it was hard. It was so hard." I said. "It felt like the world went out of me and after I gave birth to Teddy I slept for three days."

"I'm so proud of you, Ana. You are the strongest person I've ever met." He said. I smiled.
"Good morning Mrs. Grey... Mr. Grey." Dr. Sinclair said as she looked at Christian. She blushed. His effect on women is so strong and so annoying.

I smiled at myself. Teddy opened his eyes, and Christian smiled at him. "Hello Teddy bear." Christian said as he kissed Teddy's forehead. I swear, she swooned.

I coughed. Christian looked at me and smirked. "He's all yours, Dr." Christian said as he sat beside me. "How is he, Ana?" She asked.

"He's fine, we're breastfeeding regularly. And Christian's been a great help." I said as I smiled at him. "He can already lie on his stomach, though." Christian said.

"Good. He's healthy and he's gaining weight. Nice work, Mrs. Grey, Mr. Grey." She said. "You're good to go, Ted." Dr. Sinclair said as Teddy smiled at her. Teddy is the most adorable person in the universe.

"I'll just give you vitamins so that he can avoid sickness." She said as she handed me the paper. Christian already snatched it. "I can handle it." I said. "Let me." He said as he handed a few hundred bills.

I glared at him. He just smiled. He spends money like it's just anywhere. We went out of her office and Teddy is sleeping soundly at Christian's arms. "How's Grace and Carrick?" I asked. "They're fine." He curtly answered. His phone rang. "Excuse me." He said as he walked outside, still carrying Teddy.

I was checking the emails at my phone when I bumped into someone. "Are you alright?" A familiar voice asked. Ethan!

"Ana!" He asked as he hugged me. "How are you?" I asked as I looked at him. "Look at you. The future Dr. Kavanagh."

"What are you doing here? Are you sick?" He asked. "No, it's Teddy's monthly check up." I explained. "Teddy?" He asked. Oh. He doesn't have the slightest idea.

"My son." I said. His jaw dropped. "Woah." He said as he looked at me. "You gave birth and you still got that body." He said. I blushed.

"I missed you, Ethan. Medicine really looks good at you." I said as I hugged him. I raised my head and I saw Christian's grey eyes boring through us.
Oh fuck.
Christian's POV
I walked back inside the hospital to fetch Ana but I was surprised by what I saw. Ana's aura lightened when she started talking to Ethan. That blond motherfucker. I stopped at my tracks and saw them hugging. Shit.

Ana's eyes met my impassive gaze and she immediately pulled away. Good girl. I continued walking towards her and their conversation slowly becomes clearer.

"Nice to see you. Maybe we can go out. I mean, like drink coffee... or eat lunch." Ethan said nervously, running his hands through his hair. I stopped at my tracks. "Yeah, sure." Ana said. WHAT?!

"Okay, I must come back. See you, Ana. Laters." Ethan said as he hugged her again. Sneaky motherfucker. "Yeah, see you." Ana said as she walked towards me.

"That man still wants you, Ana." I said as she got Teddy from my arms. "I'm not with him, Christian. I'm with you. And I will always choose you." She whispered. I am smiling widely, like a kid who got his first ice cream.

"Let's go get some breakfast." I said as I wrapped my arms around Ana and ruffled Teddy's hair. My universe.

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