Another Bonus Chapter

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AN: Yeah, I'm kind of back in here. I'm going through a hard time so what better way to cope up than to write about my favorite people in the world? This is right after the dreaded bonus chapter I wrote. Anyways, here ya go!

Anastasia's POV

I knocked on the door timidly, feeling ashamed of myself. The door opened and Momma welcomed me with open arms. "What happened?" she asked as she wiped the tears falling down my face. "It's- it's a l-long story." I said as I carried my bags inside her house.

"Let me fix you a cup of tea." Momma said as she left me sitting at the living room. I fumbled with the covers of the chair and my mom went back immediately, carrying a tea cup at a saucer.

"I'll call Ray. He needs to know about this." Momma told me, reaching for the phone. "No! Please, no. Don't make him go through all the trouble. It's fine." I exclaimed. "Ray will kill Christian if he knew what he did."

"What did he do?" Momma asked me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I'm pregnant. Fuck. How did I screw up this badly? Christian's gonna freak out.

We're sitting at the dining table together, and I'm all fidgeting and nervous laughter.

"Damn it! Ana, will you tell me what's wrong?" Christian finally says, pushing his plate away, irritated. He looks at me. "Please. You're driving me crazy."

I take a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

He stills. "What?" He whispers, ashen.

"I'm pregnant."

"How?" He asks so quietly, and I just look at him.

"Your shot?" he snarls. "Did you forget your shot?"

I just gaze at him, afraid.

"Christ, Ana!" He banged his fist on the table, and he stands so abruptly he almost knocked the dining chair over. "You have one thing, one thing to remember. Shit! I don't fucking believe it. How could you be so stupid?"

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Sorry? Fuck!" He says again.

"I know the timing's not very good." I say very quietly.

"Not very good!" He shouts. "We've known each other five fucking minutes. I wanted to show you the fucking world and now . . . Fuck. Diapers and vomit and shit!" He closes his eyes and runs his hands in his hair.

"Did you forget? Tell me. Or did you do this on purpose?"

"No." I answer.

"I thought we'd agreed on this!" He shouts.

"I know. We had. I'm sorry."

"This is why. This is why I like control. So shit like this doesn't come along and fuck everything up."

"Christian, please don't shout at me." Tears start to slip down my face.

"Don't start with waterworks now." He snaps. "Fuck."  He ran his hand through his hair, pulling it. "You think I'm ready to be a father?" His voice catches.

"I know neither one of us is ready for this, but I think you'll make a wonderful father," she chokes. "We'll figure it out."

"How the fuck do you know!" He shouts. "Tell me how!"

"Oh fuck this!" He mutters dismissively and hold his hands up in a gesture of defeat. He walks toward the foyer, grabbing his jacket as he left the great room. He rode the elevator and the last thing I saw is his confused, anguished, mad face.

I go to our room and looked for my phone clumsily. I dialed Taylor's number and he answered immediately. "Mrs. Grey." He answered, businesslike. "Taylor, where did Christian go?" I asked, wiping my tears. "He's at the bar, Ana. But I suggest you don't go there. He's mad. He might do things he will regret." He warned me like a father. "Thank you, Taylor." I said as I ended the call.

I walked towards our bathroom and looked at myself. Large pale blue eyes and tearstained cheeks. I washed my face and arranged the mess that is myself. I exhaled and went out of the room.

As I rode the elevator, I started thinking about how afraid Christian is about turning into her mother- a negligent, self-destructive parent who can't even take care of herself, let alone her son. I know he's far from being her mother, but she fucked him up so bad he can't think of anything but the worst about himself.

We can do this together. We can raise little blip and make Christian forget all his fears of being a bad parent all gone.

I've been in too deep in my thoughts that the ping of the elevator arriving at the bar made me jump. Entering the bar, the smell of liquor and cigarettes were so strong it almost made me vomit.

Scanning the room, I saw my man sitting at the bar, holding a glass of bourbon. His favorite drink.


He's not alone.

I walked towards them and I saw who it is. Elena.

My skin prickled from fear and disgust. Out of all people, why did he contact Elena?

The next thing I saw stopped me from walking. Elena ran her hand on Christian's arm, and he didn't flinch. He leaned towards it. Elena moved forward and kissed Christian.

I ran faster than I ever did.

"He tried to convince me that what I saw isn't what it looks like. That he pushed her away. He said that I'm the only one who he really loves." I said to my mom after I told her the story.

"Do you believe him, Ana?" My mother asked.

I sighed. "I really do, momma. I know he did not kiss her. But I'm just so tired of the same scenario happening. We have a problem then he immediately runs to her. I can't deal with that." I said.

"That's not normal, Ana. You should give him space. It's needed that you give him that, so he can think about what he did. For the mean time, you are welcome to stay here as long as you need. I love you."

"I love you too, momma." She hugged me and I knew everything will be alright, eventually.

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